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  1. Do Work Son

    Plant deficiencies across the board?

    here are a few pics
  2. Do Work Son

    Plant deficiencies across the board?

    thank you for the advice. im uploading a few pics right now. iunno if much detail can be seen..but well see. also just wanted to let everyone know. im using (6) T-5 FL right now just for the first week or so cuz i didnt want to scorch them using HID's
  3. Do Work Son

    Plant deficiencies across the board?

    they are all clones "supposed" to be from the same mother is what i was told. i kno that with sum deficiencies they can directlty affect other compounds such as nitrogen & magnessium etc. to clarify: all my plants are the same strain. but some are showing different signs of dificiencies from...
  4. Do Work Son

    Plant deficiencies across the board?

    Hey everyone. i just started a new op. indoor, with sealed room. in/out..bla bla bla. the works. just wondering is it common to have multiple different DEFICIENCIES with specific plants? for instance...having 5 plants with a Iron inbalance and then a separate group of plants having a Nitrogen...