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  1. AllynIndoorFarms

    If Bernie Sanders is for Peace...why did he....

    Ill give you this point. Even as a supporter, I'm not convinced a $15/hr min wage helps everyone in the long term. I think "woefully" is a bit strong, but to each their own.
  2. AllynIndoorFarms

    If Bernie Sanders is for Peace...why did he....

    Im gonna skip ahead and ask, which current candidate, if any, do you believe has a career-long perfect track record in regards to actions matching words? It's pretty easy to find hypocrisy or flimsy stances in a political candidate when you're reviewing their whole career. It's only slightly...
  3. AllynIndoorFarms

    If Bernie Sanders is for Peace...why did he....

    The numbers aren't great at the moment, sure, but I truly hope you're wrong. Hillary isn't for me and I think a Trump/Sanders debate would be hilarious.
  4. AllynIndoorFarms

    If Bernie Sanders is for Peace...why did he....

    You seem to agree with his stance but are questioning why in an attempt to prove that he's not what a supporter might think? Bernie's a common sense guy, check out his stance on gun rights. Recently, I think he's been forced to moderate a bit due to voter demographic demand, but I'm pretty sure...
  5. AllynIndoorFarms

    Clone question (days 4)

    30 min off, 5min on is referring to a pump I'm assuming? Is your setup hydro or aero? If the leaves are turning yellow-brown and curling, you're having some rot issues. Black, I haven't seen before, but definitely shouldn't happen if the conditions were ideal. It doesn't mean that they won't...
  6. AllynIndoorFarms

    4x4 Grow tent Build, help (4-Ak47s)

    Another method to reduce humidity with your setup is to project intake air into the top of your grow space while drawing your exhaust from as near the floor as possible. Not the best setup for heat reduction though.
  7. AllynIndoorFarms

    4x4 Grow tent Build, help (4-Ak47s)

    Ya, sorry that I forgot to keep it tent-specific. The simplest version of a positive pressure system in a tent would be intake fan-->lights-->open air inside tent. Additionally, but separately, filter-->outside of tent. (Another option would be to, instead, bypass the lights and intake directly...
  8. AllynIndoorFarms

    4x4 Grow tent Build, help (4-Ak47s)

    In my experience, the difference in temperature when comparing room pressure has come mostly due to the decreased efficiency of the air flow when I have arranged a fan or fans to create positive pressure. For example, active intake-passive exhaust. Also, if your room isn't well sealed, you will...
  9. AllynIndoorFarms

    Advanced Nutrient: Connoisseur A/B + organic combo (huge buds!)

    Hey, just curious what you think specifically about Rhino Skin?
  10. AllynIndoorFarms

    Clone problems, help please :)

    I'm not a pro on this issue, but if the aquarium heater is the only change from a successful system, possibly some ailment due to the higher water temp.
  11. AllynIndoorFarms

    RNC wants Trump out of race over Muslim remarks

    Well, hey! We agree on something at least. Electoral College isn't necessary anymore. You have some other interesting points too, I've simply tried to explain how we got to here and now. The realities of corruption and collusion do seem powerful enough to alter the course of the nation. It's...
  12. AllynIndoorFarms

    RNC wants Trump out of race over Muslim remarks

    The Electoral System In the United States, a candidate wins the election by gaining a plurality, or more votes than any other candidate. This is a winner-take-all system because there is no reward for the party or candidate that finishes second. Parties aim to be as large as possible, smoothing...
  13. AllynIndoorFarms

    RNC wants Trump out of race over Muslim remarks

    No, because the losing or lagging parties eventually moderate their viewpoints and merge to achieve some level of victory as opposed to standing by while a party from the other end of the spectrum wins. It's not my opinion, it's a proven concept.
  14. AllynIndoorFarms

    RNC wants Trump out of race over Muslim remarks

    Id personally prefer a leadership attempt at solving problems within our border first, and exterior conflicts second. Especially since the outside problems tend to stem from oil or religion, neither of which will matter nearly as much in 50-100 years.
  15. AllynIndoorFarms

    RNC wants Trump out of race over Muslim remarks

    Our having two dominant parties is a product of the political "rules of the game" so-to-speak. In a system where a 51%+ vote wins it all, as opposed to simply the candidate with the highest %, it ends up boiling down to two parties over time. Obviously there's a little more to the complete...
  16. AllynIndoorFarms

    RNC wants Trump out of race over Muslim remarks

    It's obvious that Trump is capable of funding himself, but Sanders is not a candidate I would say is "bought and paid for" by any means.
  17. AllynIndoorFarms

    Container/Room Size

    I think most would agree that you should start in a fairly small container, about the size of a keg cup. You could go directly from that to 5gal and just go easy on the watering/feeding for a few weeks. Or you could go to a half-gallon'ish sized pot 2-3weeks after the cup and then on to the 5gal...
  18. AllynIndoorFarms

    Container/Room Size

    Preferable container size for most people is based off of holding an amount of growing medium that dries quickly enough to prevent root rot and other maladies caused by prolonged sogginess. For example, you could successfully grow from seed to finish in a 10gal pot, but you would have to water...
  19. AllynIndoorFarms

    Heater recommendation?

    Regardless of the heater type, you will have an easier battle against extremes of you heat the shed instead of just the tent. Obviously it will be a less efficient use of electricity, but still justifiable in my opinion, as long as it's not a house-sized shed. As others have already recommended...
  20. AllynIndoorFarms

    Why Have There Been More Mass Shootings Under Obama than the Four Previous Presidents Combined?

    You may be right, but I still want to resist believing that anyone can be born with such a task in mind. Even if I'm being optimistic to a fault, I want my future thoughts and actions toward the general population of gun owners, conservatives, Muslims, etc to be such that I'm not a part of a...