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  1. rkron0413

    Raised leaf edges ?

    I did see that in your original post. Thats why I was asking if you checked with a different meter. I'm still really new to this myself. Front left shows same thing yours is doing
  2. rkron0413

    Help! Light Interuption

    I've accidently left my tent open with a shop light on all night once right by the open tent. I didnt notice a change in mine. Mine are still flowered just fine. I just double check every time I leave my space now
  3. rkron0413

    Raised leaf edges ?

    Could it be that its just new growth with lower humidity? Like can you chen your RH with a different meter? Im having a humidity issue myself and see that with one of my plants
  4. rkron0413

    Raised leaf edges ?

    To me the first pick is how mine look when lights are on. The second pic looks like your plants are not "awake" yet. Like your light just came on. My first plant i grew would do that. Nice and tight with lights on. Then relaxed with lights out
  5. rkron0413

    Are these plants revegging?

    So this is a clone from a flowering plant I took I had to remove the bud that was on it. Once I did that the vegetative growth exploded. So if your plants are starting to throw stems out of the buds id very carefully remove the bud so it doesn't rot on the plant. Thats just from my experience...
  6. rkron0413

    Newb strains

    I mean thats not too bad. I've wanted to buy from them just unsure of shipping.
  7. rkron0413

    Newb strains

    So how fast is the shipping from ILGM? I've only gotten seeds from sketch US banks...
  8. rkron0413

    Newb strains

    Just out of curiosity, have you grown these? If so got pictures?
  9. rkron0413

    Newb strains

    I'm not worried about the training side of it. And I know how much they can take and still recover. Love that its a weed and can take nearly anything you throw at it
  10. rkron0413

    Newb strains

    I'm talking stable strains for beginners. Nothing that will give wonky starts. To me price means nothing... but I understand where your coming from WW Was my first strain to grow out. Haha. And now have an NL in my mother tent. But the white widow is still my favorite to look back on. It was...
  11. rkron0413

    Newb strains

    I thought the price was based on genetics
  12. rkron0413

    Newb strains

    So price is a good indicator for level of difficulty?
  13. rkron0413

    Newb strains

    Looking for newb strains. And figured this would be a perfect place to post. Not just for me but for all the newbie growers looking for a forgiving strain
  14. rkron0413

    Are these plants revegging?

    I'm hoping someone more experienced than I am will help chime in. I'm still really new myself
  15. rkron0413

    My first grow ever

    I agree. I'm still new and everything is still an experiment for me
  16. rkron0413

    Are these plants revegging?

    Im terrified of bud rot so knowing me I'd have a fan set up to move air better while its covered
  17. rkron0413

    Are these plants revegging?

    You can manipulate the light outside to do that as well. Like cover them up after they had their daily dose of light the uncover them in the morning
  18. rkron0413

    Are these plants revegging?

    So when exactly is outdoor harvest for you? Because I would guess that to be when your plants will be ready. I just looked it up and Southern hemisphere harvest window is April to may? If thats the case then you got a lot of veging to come yet
  19. rkron0413

    Broke Stem HELP

    The "knuckle" is a callus. Its how it protects the damage done
  20. rkron0413

    Are these plants revegging?

    Are your days getting longer? If so they WILL reveg. Until your days get shorter then they will go back into flower. I wouldn't say you fucked them up. I've reveged buds for clones before