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  1. pablohernandez

    Bag seed auto?

    Might be a silly question but here goes anyway, i had a few bag seeds which i planted and it seems like one of them is an auto, is it an auto and could it turn out male??
  2. pablohernandez

    What's going on here ???

    yes agreed, it just seems a little weird as there's no middle leaves yet, from tip to tip of each leaf it has to be 6 inches!
  3. pablohernandez

    What's going on here ???

    I have 6 girls growing and all are fine except this little one, any ideas?
  4. pablohernandez

    hps to mh

    Thanks for all the input, however now i've just read that some people use HPS only, veg and flower! is this common??
  5. pablohernandez

    hps to mh

    Hi guys, quick question, ive been using an Omega super lumens bulb hps with an Omega digital ballast with 250/400/600 and super lumens option ever since seedlings as that's all i've had, i've got it on 400w setting as i'm using a 1m x1m tent, i'm only into 2 weeks but was thinking i'd be better...
  6. pablohernandez

    Fan and filter

    Thanks for the info guys, all appreciated )"(
  7. pablohernandez

    Fan and filter

    Hi guys and gals, i have a quick question, i've got a 3x3 tent in a small room in my flat with not a lot of space around it, so pretty tight in there, i have a 9inch occilating fan on the ground and at the top of the tent (inside) a carbon filter with the ducting running through the top opening...