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  1. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Sorry to be annoying but I noticed this on one of the ladies this morning. 2 leaves with marks. Anything you think I should be worried about?
  2. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    So nothing to worry about? I’m honestly not sure. Thinking of LST. Topping worries me a bit lol as dumb as that sounds
  3. carsunltd32

    Lower leaves drooping

    20% runoff seems to be the rule of thumb
  4. carsunltd32

    Lower leaves drooping

    When I watered yesterday morning I did wait to get some run off. Sorry the first grow so when anything looks off I get worried
  5. carsunltd32

    Lower leaves drooping

    So far things have been going really well for my first grow. Today I noticed a couple of the ladies lower leaves seemed a bit droopy. The rest of the plant looks great but the lower ones look like the pic attached. I watered yesterday so I am wondering if that could be why. I normally wait 2-3...
  6. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Quick question. Some of the bottom leaves are droopy. Is that because those lower leaves are not exposed to the light? Should I do something like LST?
  7. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    I’m figuring out when to water. I used to wait until they would start to wilt but I didn’t really like doing that so I think today I watered them about 12 hours before wilting started (I check them twice a day 12 hours apart). Every time I water I notice the growth goes crazy.
  8. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    What I do is soak the pot then go to the next one and the next until they are all watered. Then I go back to the first and soak it until there is run off. Today I only had about 1.5-2 gallons handy (I use deionized water) but it seemed to be a decent amount of run off. Also, I’m using 5 3 gallon...
  9. carsunltd32

    Clone and Seedling Lighting Question

    I am thinking about adding another grow tent to my room. Something dedicated to seedlings and clones. I was looking at some 2x2x3’ tents and figured that would be a good size for what I need. What size quantum board should I use for that purpose? I was between the 135 and 65.
  10. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Well that picture was taken just after watering. Normally it seems to be about 2 - 3 days between waterings and I water until I see a fair amount of runoff
  11. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Just went to water them. The leaf was no worse and the rest of the plant is fine. So just water for them today and a quick pic of one of the Jack Frosts. I have to say it’s pretty addicting watching these things grow!
  12. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Got it. If other leaves start to yellow I will start nutes but for now just water as normal. Thanks for the help. I’m a noobie and get worried when something is off
  13. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Sorry for the pic with the lights on but the one in question is the top right. Everything looks great and has been the fastest grower so far.
  14. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Not a nitrogen deficiency?
  15. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Transplanted on Sunday. Started in solo cup with FFOF and now in 3 gallon smart pot with FFOF.
  16. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Not yet. I thought since I just reported the new soil would give it an extended dose of nutrients
  17. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    I went to check on the ladies just now and spotted one plant with its bottom leaf discolored (pic attached) any ideas what it would be from? The rest of the plant looks great and so do all the other plants in the grow.
  18. carsunltd32

    Grow tent brands

    I have 2 Vivosun 4x4 tents and I think the quality is great for the price
  19. carsunltd32

    Noob Question!

    Just a quick update. I have completely changed the watering and it had made a huge difference! I have been watering about every 2 days with the runoff that you described. Also it was definitely time to transplant so now they are in 3 gallon pots (except one is in a 1 gallon) as of last night. I...
  20. carsunltd32

    Time to put in pots?

    Hey guys! So I put these ladies into the solo cups August 6th. Is it time to transplant them?