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  1. xGreenxThumbx

    Is this normal?

    As of today they appear to be doing a bit better, the one is still drooping and one of the ones with lime green fan leaves is still a bit brown but I think they'll turn it around within the next day or two. Also, the bigger one has already turned that yellow back into green (yay).
  2. xGreenxThumbx

    Is this normal?

    Ok, so I flushed and I'm hoping they'll be alright, gunna let them all get 2-3 sets of leaves before I add any nutes again.
  3. xGreenxThumbx

    Is this normal?

    Should I flush my system and run it with just pH adjusted water?
  4. xGreenxThumbx

    Is this normal?

    They're all about 6 inches from my T5, I could probably lower it on down a bit though. But, I put 1/4th strength nutes in my 8-gal res about 2 days ago, should I still proceed with the spray?
  5. xGreenxThumbx

    Is this normal?

    great, the little ones are bout a week old, the bigger one is bout a week and a half.
  6. xGreenxThumbx

    Is this normal?

    The fan leaves are very lime green which is different than the rest I planted (the strain is LSD). I have 5 that look just like this, I'm not sure if it's a real problem or if it's normal. Also, the fan leaves on this seem to be slightly drooping but I'm not sure if anything's wrong with it...
  7. xGreenxThumbx

    Question about Nitrozime

    I'll answer my question incase someone else needs help in the future. The nitrozime worked VERY well although it was a major pain in the ass cleaning the algae from my flood drains and the res itself (as well as the pump). The plants also seemed to eat it up very quickly (maybe because I was...
  8. xGreenxThumbx

    Worried about my seedlings

    Added 5 teaspoons of Nitrozime after my flush and it seems to be working VERY well. The new sprouts already have better roots than the ones that sprouted 5 or 6 days ago, on the downside my flood drains are already getting some algae build-up, ugh.
  9. xGreenxThumbx

    Question about Nitrozime

    So I just put 5tsp in my 5gal reservoir with my plants being in pre-veg or seedling stage I suppose, anyone think this will be ok? My PPM was at 630 and my ph at 5.8.
  10. xGreenxThumbx

    Worried about my seedlings

    Gettin ready to go flush my reservoir out now. 3 of my 7 vanilla kush seeds popped up this morning, anxious to see them in a few days. Anyone think it would be alright to start giving them a bit of nutes in a few days even with the new sprouts in with the ones that are a week~ older?
  11. xGreenxThumbx

    Worried about my seedlings

    that sucks, did you soak your rockwool in pH adjusted water before putting the seeds in?
  12. xGreenxThumbx

    Worried about my seedlings

    I just checked the pH in my tank and it was at 6.9 ... Ewwwww.
  13. xGreenxThumbx

    Worried about my seedlings

    So here's an update, opinions appreciated. Also, I had to scrap the one in picture #3 in the first post, I just didn't forsee it pulling through, BUT the tall one that looked like it's head was chopped off is picture #4 in this post :) Btw, pictures 1 & 3 in this post are the same, I...
  14. xGreenxThumbx

    Worried about my seedlings

    That first one is pretty strange I agree haha, idk what the deal is with it, sturdy stem but the top looks like crap.
  15. xGreenxThumbx

    Worried about my seedlings

    Quality's pretty good if you click em I thought. I'm limited to my camera-phone so I can't really do much better :( Also, the first and third pics are the ones I'm worried about.
  16. xGreenxThumbx

    Worried about my seedlings

    I germinated them using paper towels and plates then put them in rockwool and into a humidity dome to help them sprout/root. I had to go out of town for 2 days at this time and when I came back they had sprouted but they had no light on them, so I immediately took them out of the dome and put...
  17. xGreenxThumbx

    My First Grow

    So I decided to switch rooms and it turned out to be a great idea though it required me building a structure which only costed me about 75 bucks. Here are some pics: Thoughts or comments appreciated. I hope to be receiving my seeds soon so I'll be able to get rollin' (literally).
  18. xGreenxThumbx

    My First Grow

    Alright guys, I have a couple questions: 1.) I have 0 power outlets in the room I'll be growing in and I'm not really feeling running an extension cord from a light socket to power a 1000w light (fire hazard waiting to happen I think) so what should I do exactly? 2.) Do I need to put mylar above...
  19. xGreenxThumbx

    My First Grow

    I saw some at the hydro store when I picked up some of my stuff, I really thought about getting one, guess I should've at the time. Oh well, I'll pick up that and a few more items and finish constructing it tomorrow then post some pics tomorrow night.
  20. xGreenxThumbx

    hay everyone first time grower what i have

    If I had to guess it's either one of three things -> 1.) Plants being too close to the lights, especially if you're using HPS. 2.) Your PH. 3.) Your P04