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  1. iDab666

    Cannabutter newbie here.

    what I do to make bomb ass editable is get some nitrile glove and break up bud by hand or not to fine you want to be just a tad bit chunky. Preheat your oven to 275 and put your bud inside and decarboxylate the weed for say 15 - 25 min looking for a slightly brown tint. Then your going to add...
  2. iDab666

    Looking for reassurance or assistance

    How many ml are you feeding per plant?? Also what’s your growing medium
  3. iDab666

    Has anyone had this happen??

    Guys it ended up being a girl but it’s so cool she is growing 3 branches at every node. I’ll post pictures tomorrow morning after the lights turn on o_O that’s what those little things are in the pictures..... crazy
  4. iDab666

    Is this plant male or female?

    hey was wondering what kind of led lights those are ?
  5. iDab666

    Looking for reassurance or assistance

    Get a good flood tray and then go with a ScrOG. You won’t have to take them out and take care of those girls one by one. You can give them all the attention all at onec, together. :weed:
  6. iDab666

    Looking for reassurance or assistance

    Get a ScrOG going here don’t trash anything. Do a heavy defoliation and good bends for the ScrOG. Definitely go with 2 maybe 3 layers of trellis netting
  7. iDab666

    Leaves diagnosis

    No just raise the cfl about 1 foot. Use the other one for flowering.
  8. iDab666

    Leaves diagnosis

    I’d raise the lights to about 15” away from the top of the tallest plant
  9. iDab666

    Leaves diagnosis

    Okay yea it’s 100% your lights being to close.
  10. iDab666

    Leaves diagnosis

    Don’t get your self all worked up. You’ll figure this all out it’s just a matter of trial and error.
  11. iDab666

    Leaves diagnosis

    the yellowing is more than likely cause from heat / light stress though. So I would definitely start there and if you see any more yellowing after you have raised the lights and it’s been at least 12 days then I’d consider looking for some micronutrients.
  12. iDab666

    Leaves diagnosis

    Then I’d start with the lights. Raise those up a bit and you should see the cupping ( what the outer tips of your leaves are doing ) start to flatten out. I’d consider some micronutrients for the yellowing. If the damaged leaves don’t bounce back as fast as you think they should don’t just cut...
  13. iDab666

    Leaves diagnosis

    Your leaves are definitely showing signs of heat stress ( leaves cupping up) with minor yellowing. It will get worse if you leave Untreated.
  14. iDab666

    Leaves diagnosis

    And yellowing can be caused from over watering even though I don’t believe that’s the case here. You can cause a nutrient lockout by overwatering. How many ml’s are you feeding ?
  15. iDab666

    Leaves diagnosis

    Overwater would be stunted growth and droopy as hell. I think you need to lower your ppm and raise your light and lower your temps :peace:
  16. iDab666

    Newbie clone rooting issues

    Don’t go above 78 for root temp though as that is asking for some rot or mold. Good luck
  17. iDab666

    Newbie clone rooting issues

    Rooting temp is ideal at 75. Your not getting roots because it’s to cold buddy. Bump up those temps. Are you supplementing with co2? If so plants can withstand even hotter temps like 85 degrees. I would keep root temp at 75 and make sure your water is room temp for everything you use it for :peace:
  18. iDab666

    Excited for harvest!

    Looks good:clap:
  19. iDab666

    White widow

    nice ill look into some black widow. and of course ill keep everyone posted with a side by side grow of white widow next to the black widow:hump:
  20. iDab666

    White widow

    post the link for us :weed: