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  1. somebody1701

    Can't figure out exactly whats causing this.

    That's a strange-looking plant. I've only ever worked with indica dom strains. Is that a normal growth pattern for a sativa? I always say I want to try growing a sativa sometime, but not that, lol.
  2. somebody1701

    First time grow help!

    Not without details. I mean, I could say water and fertilize, but if that's the only problem, you don't need me to tell you.
  3. somebody1701

    Aeroponic help

    I don't want to knock something I haven't tried, but why do people use those fancy cloners? I get 9/10 with rapid rooters and clonex. I don't cover them or do anything other than make sure they don't dry out. My temps in the veg closet are frequently around 81 82 during this time of year.
  4. somebody1701

    How long do you think?

    In one of those pics, I see a lot of what appears to be amber. But they are blurry. Other pics look like you still have some clear with no amber.
  5. somebody1701

    Foiler feeding?

    I've never heard of getting moldy leaves, just moldy bud late in flower. Is your room very humid? Or perhaps all the foliar feeding you're doing is causing the mold?
  6. somebody1701

    Opinions please

    You've got some picky friends. Why would this grow be pointless? Bud looks great.
  7. somebody1701

    Shrooms and Strange spots on the leafs

    Fungus gnats are more of nuisance than a real problem unless you let them get way out of hand. bobtokes is right, they only eat the roots and can usually only kill seedlings or clones. You can just buy some mosquito dunks, crumble a bit up and sprinkle a bit into the top of your pots. They'll...
  8. somebody1701

    First timer - Advice on when to flip, and best methods to develop this grow

    Regarding nutes, I agree, veg nutes week 1, mix 1/2 and 1/2 week 2, then full flower nutes until the last week.
  9. somebody1701

    Issues Germinating Older Seeds

    I recently went through this with some 2+ year old seeds. I kept them in a dark dry place but I suspect that exposed to some heat in the 90s to 100s at some point. I must have gone through 200 seeds before I got 3 to actually grow into full size plants. The only way I got any of these to...
  10. somebody1701

    Question, Which is better for lighting?

    You didn't mention the room/closet dimensions, but I would probably just center the LED in the space.
  11. somebody1701

    First timer - Advice on when to flip, and best methods to develop this grow

    In my experience, you can change the light schedule however you want and it doesn't shock the plants. I've accidentally left the lights on all night during flower a couple of times (I don't recommend this) and had no ill effects. Maybe it's just the strain I grow, but all this extra hoopla...
  12. somebody1701

    Shrooms and Strange spots on the leafs

    Those spots on the leaves look like insect damage to me. I wouldn't worry about the shrooms.
  13. somebody1701

    First timer - Advice on when to flip, and best methods to develop this grow

    I wouldn't scrog on my first grow. KISS. I use tomato cages and/or bamboo pools. Chris323 is right about the height doubling. The key for me would be do you think your roots are fully developed? If so, flip now or when the plants get to 1/2 the max height you can support in your space...
  14. somebody1701

    Yellowing followed by necrosis

    What's the PH and PPM of your water before you put anything in it?
  15. somebody1701

    Yellowing followed by necrosis

    Sorry but if your organic fert has PH problems, I certainly wouldn't call it "great."
  16. somebody1701

    Yellowing followed by necrosis

    If you're running coco, I'd do a flush with 1 tsp vinegar, 1 tsp molasses, and 1 tsp epsom per gallon and then start feeding with every watering after that with a good organic fert like GO Bloom and CaMg+.
  17. somebody1701

    A/C Question Regarding Negative Pressure

    Those portable AC units are crap. I had one in my garage and it was worthless. You really need a window unit or a mini-split.
  18. somebody1701

    Air and lighting ? Need help

    You could also put your HPS on it's own fan and ducting using outside air to cool and sending it right back outside without filtering. I also did that for years when I was running HID. The less air you have to move through that carbon filter the better.
  19. somebody1701

    Air and lighting ? Need help

    No, you can mix HPS with LED. I did that for years before I went LED-only.
  20. somebody1701

    Air and lighting ? Need help

    Depending on the actual power draw and quality of those LEDs, I don't see them covering 48 sq ft in flower well. What kind of lights are they? I'm using 800w of actual power draw to cover 2.5 x 6.5 which is a third of your area. You might need a 4th 600w light which would probably fit the...