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  1. ddeck96

    CalMag deficiency? RDWC

    I just used the rapid start when getting my seeds straws in the rock/wool and then when I moved to the system. I just use the floralicious + now along with the 3 part (and of course hydro guard, water temps get as high as 71-72 on rare occasions)
  2. ddeck96

    CalMag deficiency? RDWC

    no I actually meant 550 EC, I’ve been gradually topping off raising the EC as needed. And the EC has been stable at 550ec/275ppm. I’ve been told mixed things about feeding. What strength should I be feeding them at?
  3. ddeck96

    CalMag deficiency? RDWC

    I’ll have to wait at least til the 1st to do a res change cuz my RO system broke. Will my plants suffer a lot until then? I thought about using tap water (200ppm with fluoride, chlorine/chloramine) but that’s makes me a bit nervous. I’m currently letting about 10 gallons of tap sit out so the...
  4. ddeck96

    CalMag deficiency? RDWC

    I haven’t checked yet, you’re the first person who’s suggested it may be bugs. Which damage are you referring to btw? And what kind of bugs should I be looking for? I’ll check for all species under a 30-60x micro right now, but it would be nice to know what to look for (I.e. thrips, mites...
  5. ddeck96

    CalMag deficiency? RDWC

    Im so new to hydro (first run ever) and may be in a bit over my head here. It sounded so fun I just wanted to jump right into it haha. So far I do like it much better than soil/coco. Much less work IMO! Do you have any advice for a first timer? It doesn’t have to pertain to the topic of the...
  6. ddeck96

    CalMag deficiency? RDWC

    yeah it’s time for a res change definitely. Having problems with my RO system so I may have to just use tap water for a week or so. Yeah I add my nutrients in the order listed in the original post.
  7. ddeck96

    CalMag deficiency? RDWC

    i can give that a try. I calibrate my pen regularly. Roots look good, no sign of slime or rot. I upped my dose of CalMag cuz I thought it might be a calcium deficiency. That was about 12 hours ago now, it ha spread since then though. This is my first hydro grow, not really sure how long it...
  8. ddeck96

    CalMag deficiency? RDWC

    sorry, meant to post PH is 5.8. I check it very often. I haven’t had to top off much because they don’t drink much cuz they’re so young. But I have done it a couple of times. Haven’t done a res change yet tho. Meaning to do one soon but having problems with my RO filter. Afraid to use tap cuz my...
  9. ddeck96

    CalMag deficiency? RDWC

    So I’ve had this problem for a few days. The lower fan leaves developed these yellowish spots, then they turned tan, then eventually brown. This is my first hydro grow so I’m a bit confused. Plants are a about three weeks old, maybe someone here can tell me what the problem is Strain...
  10. ddeck96

    First time topping, did I mess it up?

    awesome, thanks man.
  11. ddeck96

    First time topping, did I mess it up?

    fair enough man! I will definitely consider it!!
  12. ddeck96

    First time topping, did I mess it up?

    hahahahah very well, mr miyagi.
  13. ddeck96

    First time topping, did I mess it up?

    5.8. I check it 3 times a day and even more when I mix a fresh batch of nutes. I also calibrate my pen every other day. I’m fairly OCD lol.
  14. ddeck96

    First time topping, did I mess it up?

    Thanks so much man, you’ve been very helpful. People like you make this site what it’s supposed to be. How do I rep you?
  15. ddeck96

    First time topping, did I mess it up?

    So probably some sort of cal or mag deficiency? I’ll try giving it a foliar spray with some CalMag and see if that stops the spreading.
  16. ddeck96

    First time topping, did I mess it up?

    Here are some pics of what’s going on with a few of my plants. Not sure what it is. The first two pics are the same plant. The third pic is a different plant, it seems to have similar symptoms as the other plant, but that spots have more of a golden/tan color to them, and they are a little...
  17. ddeck96

    First time topping, did I mess it up?

    yea that helps a lot! So I guess I topped at the 5th node haha. Oh well, not a huge deal I suppose.
  18. ddeck96

    First time topping, did I mess it up?

    oh shit, maybe I’m confused about what topping “at X node” means. My plant currently has four sets of true leaves, then when the fifth leaf set started growing out, i snipped it off. Does that mean I topped at the 5th node?
  19. ddeck96

    First time topping, did I mess it up?

    hey man, would u mind helping me with one more issue? I think I have some sort of deficiency in 3 out of 4 of my plants. I’m somewhat of a novice and can’t really figure out what it is