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  1. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think? Did somebody say molten steel?
  2. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    Yeah, I suggest our big-brained friends look into conservation of energy & conservation of momentum. Those are scientific terms, so take your time. 110 story building falling at free-fall speed (10 seconds) meets ZERO resistance on the way down, therefor is not subject to these LAWS. Who the...
  3. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    Heavy smoke is the sign of an oxygen starved fire. The people standing in the HOLE made by the plane tell me that the floor was intact, and the heat necessary to weaken the core columns was not there. People jumping from the building would've also been starving for oxygen. I believe fuel...
  4. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    I'm speechless. :wink:
  5. Mike Young

    Student Loan Debt is Skyrocketing

    It's a tough read in the beginning, but if you can get through the first couple of chapters, I recommend Die Sheeple Die. Weather you agree with him or not, it's an interesting perspective.
  6. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    The questions HAVE been answered? What kind of nonsense statement is that? If all the questions have been answered, there wouldn't be an ongoing debate between people who aren't afraid to question things, and fools who live in a fucking fantasy. You don't have to validate yourself by stating...
  7. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    You're onto something here. Of course you left out that Bush voters tend to be feeble minded religious folks. Believers in such nonsense have no place debating scientific matters. Don't worry Christians, I hate every other religion equally. Your soft brains are so easily manipulated into...
  8. Mike Young

    Leaked: NSA Collecting Phone Records Of Millions Of Americans

    Is this really the best way to get information about terrorism? I'm assuming of course, this falls into the patriot act/homeland security blanket. 99.9 percent of (pulling that number out of my ass) what they get has to be useless "honey do lists" and things of that nature. Someone with...
  9. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    There he goes again trying to flex his big brain, all the while ignoring the points that are brought to the table. You haven't addressed a thing. Maybe pantomime would be a better approach?
  10. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    Foolish logic (flawgic) once again. If they killed everyone who spoke out against them, it doesn't exactly prove their innocence, does it? It's much easier to call them kooks and use one of the more powerful weapons in their arsenal. THE MEDIA! And you lapped it up like a starving dog. False...
  11. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    As the idiotic video of redneck gasoline brush fire demonstrated, the majority of the jet fuel would've burnt off at the time of impact and shortly after. There's a photo of two people standing in the goddamn impact hole, for fuck sakes! I don't deny they may have embellished on the integrity of...
  12. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    You're a tad off on the weight of a 767. Much heavier, actually. I understand your golden gate bridge theory just fine. How many MJ of energy does it take to vaporize steel, exactly? I really want to know! The towers were designed to withstand the impact of a fully loaded 707 at 600 mph. That's...
  13. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    47 core columns, 236 outer columns spaced a meter apart. Not to mention the horizontal strapping & concrete. All this steel & concrete, and you don't question the video of the aluminum nose going all the way through the building? Silly bitches. I don't claim that I know what happened that day...
  14. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    I could give two shits about debating you. I only wanna promote free thinking. Something you seem to be against. :(
  15. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    Over 5k posts and you still aren't taken seriously. Hmm...
  16. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    Weaksauce with an extra helping of WEAK! I'm not like the others, I think your weakness warrants strong consequence. Perhaps even elimination, as you have so graciously bestowed upon me. Walking through life blindly is treason as far as I'm concerned.
  17. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    The perfect steak takes only 5 minutes to cook. How many people know that? Not many! The illuminati should make good with their plan, and relieve this planet of some stupid people. :)
  18. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    Work 5 to get 2. My favorite comedian, Doug Stanhope has a great bit about that. I dig your point of view. The greatest trick ever played on mankind is the illusion of freedom. Die sheeple die!
  19. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    All that education and still a complete sheep. It's sad, really. You're a smart person, and yet you choose to deny yourself and attempt to persuade others of an opinion that differs from the official story. Do you know what it means to think?
  20. Mike Young

    9/11 what do you think?

    So ahh, an aluminum plane walks into a steel building... Go fuck yourself! Ohhhhhh!