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  1. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    Well it gets worse, city was here today , they are going to fine me $1000 day for my tough shed and greenhouse, said they were built by the previous owner without a permit. They even acknowledged that they were here before I bought my house , but they say its my problem and I must destroy and...
  2. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    The cops have now been at my house for 8 days straight, they keep telling me there is nothing I can do , I am at my breaking point . My neighbor thinks I am going to give her money to fix the back fence , which I own, she called today. I am appalled at local PD that they are unable or unwilling...
  3. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    4 of them at the same time, they were run off , almost had them this time.
  4. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    I'm trying to get them every night, cops said I can't hurt them in my yard , I'll go to jail. Last night I took off after them , I can't go through everyone's backyard , and your assuming that their is only one , its multiple people . And believe it or not , it's been hard to find anyone who...
  5. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    They came back twice last night, it's been 6 days living on the front line. They are trying my neighbor to the south now and that fence. Cops gave chase 2 nights ago , they got away. They have tried for 6 days in a row and I'm sure wont give up. Cops said they were trying to take over an empty...
  6. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    They came back again , 2 this time , neighbor ran them off and called cops , nothing I could do , cops said they are putting on more patrols
  7. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    My neighbors are pissed at the rippers , not me, this morning the old lady behind me was asking how many they took. My area is pretty mmj friendly.
  8. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    I am legal , we had considerably less than allowed. Couldn't be helped last night , neighbor came out . this legal bullshit again, cops came just yesterday because neighbor called , no big deal , we didn't get in trouble . People make to many assumptions based on no or very little info.
  9. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    Not close enough , buds hadn't started to swell on those , mid to late October
  10. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    Here's some frost :)
  11. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    Here's some updated pics
  12. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    I'm thinking of onions next year , just to piss off the hood :) Still rocking it
  13. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    Slept outside last night, they came back for a look , we ran them off. I'll be out there every night, and I'm here to tell you they did get 20 plants over the fence and down the street, I'll take after pics and show you.
  14. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    I have been on the front line since the beginning , you dont know shit about me . It's weed you idiot , it should and will be grow all over . Nice of you to look at others work and talk shit , I'm sure that's all you've ever done for the movement , go back to your hole.
  15. colo420

    Fucking Rippers

    The state has been fucking with us all summer , multiple fly overs , got raided and charged with F3, F5, and F6, they took 17 plants and trampled my vegetable garden, but left me my state allowed numbers, then the city inspectors come by and are going to fine us , the next week the police again...
  16. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    I thought the same thing. I just filled an injunction against the city on Monday , last night I get hit.
  17. colo420

    Fucking Rippers

    20 plants in total , some ripped up, some torn apart , others cut down. We are nonviolent people and grow accordingly , I believe karma with seek revenge. Lady behind me called police , we had to clean up the street where it was hauled off. Still left with a respectable amount :) it will take...
  18. colo420

    Fucking Rippers

    Got hit tonight , fucking rippers. Took about 12 plants.
  19. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    Damn this is a fucked up year, just let the dogs out and I got ripped , took about 12 plants , all early .