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  1. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    This is how dedicated I am, this is from my winter greenhouse
  2. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    I can't help but be angry when I read this crap, as I sit here on the toilet this morning shitting my guts out (blood), I have crohns, trying to figure out why fellow coloradoans would hate on me, I have a edibles lisence , don't you really think that if I was not legit I would have been...
  3. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    Time for me to chime in , first off , this is legal, if not I would have lost all my plants , not just 17. I've been in this fight since the beginning , I was one of the first people to get a red card in this state, I also was the first to beat a case against the state for cultivation, with a...
  4. colo420

    street lights going to be a problem?

    Won't have any effect :)
  5. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    Ad 20 , (b) For quantities of marijuana in excess of these amounts, a patient or his or her primary care-giver may raise as an affirmative defense to charges of violation of state law that such greater amounts were medically necessary to address the patient's debilitating medical condition. I...
  6. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    Being over the limit in Colorado is a fine , first time $150 , second $500, third $999. All these rules and regs can be found online .
  7. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    I have a 48 plant count and girlfriend also, they just came and took 17 plants and now I'm legal :)
  8. colo420

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!
  9. colo420

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!
  10. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

  11. colo420

    new york outdoor how do they look?

    I have some inside , put me over , didn't even know I was over , those extra in the yard on there own didn't help, oh well . My biggest ones tend to break when the storms come in the fall.
  12. colo420

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    Just a new video update , enjoy.
  13. colo420

    HELP! Need advice on seting up outdoor irrgation system

    Took a video
  14. colo420

    new york outdoor how do they look?

    I just got hit from an over fly. I'm legal , so it could have been worse. Took 17 plants .
  15. colo420

    HELP! Need advice on seting up outdoor irrgation system

    I use a 55 gallon plastic drum with 1/2 inch black tubing run to the plants , I had 0-10 gph emitters , but found they didn't really work very well, kept getting clogged up. I ended up taking the screw on cap to adjust the flow off, that fixed the problem , now I run the water with no pump , the...
  16. colo420

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    New video of the greenhouse
  17. colo420

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    They brought there own tree shears to cut them down , didn't pull them , just cut them down . I was out riding my R1 , I have to say that my girlfriend is a soldier :) for there parting shot they took my $50 stainless steel kitchen scale, said it smelled like weed, yea right. They tossed my...
  18. colo420

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    Got raided today i have a 96 plant count permit , I was 17 over. Took all my biggest and tallest , I am no longer in the running :(. I'll update pics of what the garden looks like now , at least I took a video right before it happened. Nothing like vice showing up with a warrant , knew it was...
  19. colo420

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    New video update