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  1. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    I mean it’s my first time ever using it as I’m first time hydro user. Is it supposed to hurt ? Lol i have never heard that and it doesn’t feel like anything to me. It’s damp so maybe that helps idk
  2. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    Thank you for info i luckily did read that becauee this is the first time i used Rockwool so i read a bit on it and found that it compromises the structure and its ability to breath. Before i put seeds in i soaked it in ph water with a tiny bit of root stimulator mixed in and then shook the...
  3. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    Cool yeah i will just bump the light up closer i just have 22 other clones under light that i have for a soil Scrog grow im running as well but half of them are showing roots as well so I’m sure they all have roots just haven’t shown yet
  4. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    thats def smart l spill for sure and it’s annoying especially when it’s the dark micro fro gh. Sweet i will be careful because i def want to boost the ladies and get this shit going lol. I’ve never used Rockwool before only soil pods. Since the round leaves are already up and seed shell has...
  5. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    For sure bro keep me updated on that auto pot grow cause i def May go that route after learning this dwc shit. It seems like with the success I’ve had in soil (i know everyone says they kill it but I’ve had some mad success in soil) that will be a soil on steroids grow for me lol
  6. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    The cubes are still “damp” but should i get them wet with Nutes water ? Or do i let it dry out so roots grow out after water like in my root riot cubes ?
  7. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    So i placed the pump inside the main res with a 1/2 inch rubber hose that pushes the water directly into the next res and comes back to main res from tube to the left.
  8. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    Thanks man i appreciate the information for real. My seeds just showed their lovely lil faces this morning so I’m probably cranking this shit up tomorrow. I think i have decided to go with the trio ph perfect , a calimag ( prob GH) , hydro gaurd , and I’m going to try voodoo juice for first two...
  9. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    Werd thanks brotha yeah i figure it’s only for 2 weeks in vegg and 2 weeks in bloom that i was going to use the voodoo juice anyways how much build up can that possibly cause ? I appreciate the support and alllllllll the lil nit picking and detail. I’m a fast learner and not a lady mfer so i...
  10. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    i measured that the other day and if i put 10 gallons of water in the system the water comes up to right at the bottom of the net pots. So i would say to start things off they will hold 12 gallons or 4 gallons in each one but as the plants grow prob as little as 8 gallons to let roots stretch...
  11. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    Here is a better angle to see my hose going between all three that other bucket in the last pic is another single bubbler dwc bucket I’m going to run as well
  12. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    The one with top and sticker is the res in this system and other two are my plant pots with 10 inch net pots in them. The water pump fits in the main res pushing through to both plant res and eventually back to water/main res. If you look closely on main res there is a blue tube that is my water...
  13. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    Here is pic of my 3 x 5 gal pot rdwc system and the one dwc bucket I’ll use. Don’t mind flowers i am finishing up some autos my boy couldn’t keep anymore so I’ll have this whole space to fill the fuck out and i plan on covering every square inch Prob running with the trio ph perfect AN ...
  14. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    Yeah Calvin i have that same water level indicator on my res that i can drain with and i have a hand held water pump that’s like a long wand to reach in buckets and suck almost all water out of my Reses maybe leaving 4-6 cups in bottom that’s combined over all three buckets prob do a full change...
  15. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    Yeah i read in it weeks ago but i remember them selling it in articles and videos i watched of other growers using it as a “root steroid” but i also Remember them using the verbiage of benefical Bacteria as well so I’ll do some research on it for sure. And yeah i have been thinking about adding...
  16. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    Ok ok ok so here as you can see i already grabbed the hydro gaurd first thing but i was under the impression that voodoo juice is like a “root steroid” where hydro guard is to just stop root rot. So if I’m using hydro gaurd should i not use the voodoo juice the first two weeks of veg and bloom...
  17. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    Do you think i should add longer hose connections in between my buckets though i have a lot of extra of that black hose i bought ? Was thinking the plants may get way to big and too close since i do feel I’m pretty good/aggressive in low stress training my girls ! I usually get a ton of bud...
  18. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    Myke well i already spent a bunch of time and money on building my system. So i will run with it for now. And it fits the walk in closet i am using to try out this system and getting to know it. I have two other large locations i have big tent setups with soil going so when i get it down i def...
  19. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    Ok 930 og i def see your point on that and i have been training plants for years in soil so i believe in a strong low stress training regimens so I’m sure i will get pretty large plants out of these two buckets and those will be very hard to open up to check with any pens lol. Speaking of how in...
  20. Sour D from Dallas tx

    What do i need with AN 3 series for RDWC

    Yeah I’m using 10 inch pots with Hydroton and I’m seeing that it def takes up quite a lot of the res like to fill up my 3 bucket rdwc system to the bottom of net pots it only takes 10 gallons and I’ve been thinking this may run me into a problem with room for roots to grow in? Especially since...