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  1. O

    DOA Freebe

    Well then, leave it to me to receive one of the rare ones. I read a very large number of posts talking about suppliers being quick to market prior to making my OP. Couple that with the fact that they threw it in for free made me a bit suspicious. Anyway, those were my thought patterns at the...
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    DOA Freebe

    Great, thanks.
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    DOA Freebe

    Okay. As mentioned, I spent a fair bit of time looking for some kind of answer to my observations. Since it is clear you know it is not a genetic problem I would be happy to hear what you might think I encountered.
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    DOA Freebe

    Hi folks, I purchased one auto fem seed from Canuk Seeds here in Canada and received a bonus Amnesia Auto Fem as part of the order. My main order seed is doing good, but bonus seed I received died once the stem hit the air. Didn't make sense to me as the growing medium was the same. So I...
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    Killer info for setting up a CO2 equipped grow room!

    There we go, now we're talking. :blsmoke:
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    Killer info for setting up a CO2 equipped grow room!

    I'm sure it isn't. Still, there's a LOT of CO2 available for free; just have to figure a way get it into the grow space. I just came up with an idea. Set your grow space next to a brewery. They spew a shitload of CO2 from fermentation. Just pipe it in :cool:
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    Seeds in or to Canada

    Excellent thread. Thanks to you all for contributing. A lot of important lessons have been learned.
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    Killer info for setting up a CO2 equipped grow room!

    CO2? Wow, you folks are pretty hard core if you are venturing into that kind of stuff. It's too bad you couldn't somehow suck air in from outside, or even from within your house (or wherever your setup is). Plenty of CO2 out there for sure. Just ask the climate change nuts. The only CO2 I...
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    thank you

    I must admit, this place is pretty darn active.
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    Why are so many new growers choosing blurple/led over hps/mh??

    Yes, makes a lot of sense. In my case the bulb was like 10 years old. It probably had enough of my old ass and decided to off itself.
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    Why are so many new growers choosing blurple/led over hps/mh??

    Jesus. I had the same thing happen to me with a halogen bulb about a month ago. Absolutely no reason whatsoever - *KABOOM* - sounded like someone got shot. Luckily no one was in the room when it happened.
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    Why are so many new growers choosing blurple/led over hps/mh??

    Interesting. I didn't come across those numbers. Thanks for clarifying.
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    Why are so many new growers choosing blurple/led over hps/mh??

    Hmm. Maybe I have a special browser because it is not there. Perhaps because I'm brand new here perhaps?
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    Why are so many new growers choosing blurple/led over hps/mh??

    I'd like to give you a thumbs up but I can't seem to find where to do that....
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    Why are so many new growers choosing blurple/led over hps/mh??

    Ah, that's cool. I understand. I guess I was referencing some of the responses you received relating to 'a watt is a watt'. Sorry if I misunderstood things.
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    Still Learning

    Still Learning
  17. O

    Why are so many new growers choosing blurple/led over hps/mh??

    Exactly. Unless the OP is actually needing the heat, then I see little reason to use something that is less efficient. Am I missing something here? Is there something different about these blue/purple LED's that simply don't produce the required lumens? If so, then I can understand why...
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    Why are so many new growers choosing blurple/led over hps/mh??

    To the OP, I don't mean to stir up a hornets nest here, but I've noticed many folks in this hobby seem to be stuck on the 'a watt is a watt regardless the light technology' scenario. I chose an LED bank that is rated at the same lumens output as a 300 watt incandescent light source. I chose...
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    Why are so many new growers choosing blurple/led over hps/mh??

    I'm in the same boat bro. Snagged a LED box but found the winter house temps to be a bit low. I ended up throwing a 45w incandescent in the tent and that is keeping things proper. Still learning....
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    Free Grow Software!

    I created an account just post this. Thank you very much for creating it. I spent a bit of time trying to find something similar but came up empty.