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  1. Amateur123

    Fan leaves problem

    Hello guys! I had a problem some time ago. I moved my grow cabinet to other room and added 1 more led light. Some days passed and i forgot the lights on for more than 24h and i came home from work and saw the fan leaf closest to new led bulb was damaged, orange and already crispy at the edge i...
  2. Amateur123

    Excruciating pain after smoking.

    Is that a fucking carma or what. I'm starting to feel the pain again after writing here and I'm at work, no meds here
  3. Amateur123

    Excruciating pain after smoking.

    I did have a same problem twice after smoking weed. Woke up in the middle if the night with worst abdominal pain ever. Painkillers didn't help and I just had to wait it out. Doctor said it was probably gases. So far has not happened again
  4. Amateur123

    Worst panic attack, help??

    You should try more of indica strain weed it will keep u relaxed. Since I see ur using weed for medicinal purpose i would go for high CBD strain
  5. Amateur123

    Holy bananas !?!?!

    Let her finish then and get the seeds however the seeds u get from her will have high chance of hermie too. And clean ur grow room from pollen before growing new plants
  6. Amateur123

    Holy bananas !?!?!

    Definitely bananas and soo many of them.
  7. Amateur123

    Is she done ?

    Thank you very much. I want speedy energetic head high. The trichomes on the buds seem like 50/50 clear cloudy . And on the sugar leaves they are mostly amber already
  8. Amateur123

    Is she done ?

    Plant is auto, dont know how many days in flower etc. Maybe some1 could just give a rough estimate how long more or is she done already?
  9. Amateur123

    Plant is dieing need help?

    Here's a question too if anyone reads.. the main cola bud will be ready to harvest soon but the other little buds will take much longer to finish. Should i flush or not? If I do then other buds won't get enough nutes to finish?
  10. Amateur123

    Plant is dieing need help?

    The plant got seriously fcked up during beginning of veg and since it's auto it hadn't time to recover. Here's a pic of failed grow .☺
  11. Amateur123

    Plant is dieing need help?

    Epsom salt fixed it
  12. Amateur123

    Plant is dieing need help?

    might be true about it hating the soil. Its regular plant soil bought from store
  13. Amateur123

    Plant is dieing need help?

    was just asking maybe somebody smarter here would tell, guess ur not the smart one
  14. Amateur123

    Plant is dieing need help?

    Could it be Mg defiency ?
  15. Amateur123

    Plant is dieing need help?

    I have flushed it many times and repotted it recently with new soil but new growth leaves still have the problem
  16. Amateur123

    Plant is dieing need help?

    New leaves are growing and turning light then edges turing yellow and die. Soil PH is 6-7 Lights are LED growing indoor in cabinet Autoflowering