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  1. nicougrik

    First grow

    Okay i was previously just using a single light (the one on the left on the picture), at around 2-4 inches from the plants. Ive just put a second one in there (the one to the right). ive only just feed them this once from this all purpose feed, the ingredient list is in the pics. also the soil I...
  2. nicougrik

    First grow

    Day 28, (6 days later). So looks like the one ont he top left has just continued on dying.. Bottom one looks much less healthy, might follow the deadly path of the first child.. and the one to the right looks about the same. You can see on the second picture the strongest plant has only grown a...
  3. nicougrik

    Rooting for the underdog!

    that is crazy ahaha
  4. nicougrik

    Rooting for the underdog!

    Yeah ! go littleplant !.goodluck
  5. nicougrik

    Week 9 of Flower

    Haha yeah looks like it. I like that, keep a close look at the babies while youre away.
  6. nicougrik

    Week 9 of Flower

    I looked up possible reasons for it being very dark, and it might be nitrogen toxicity, so maybe try to cut down on the nutes and see if that changes anything. though im just a newb so take this with a grain of salt haha
  7. nicougrik

    Week 9 of Flower

    Jesus your plant looks very dark green ! is that natural for the strain or what ?
  8. nicougrik

    Study: How Much Does One Plant yield ?

    Yes in my survey there is a question about years of experience, and all the questions i ask is to get a majority of the variables recorded. Thats why its such a big list, and no you cant account for all the variables but you can for the major one and create margins of error. thanks for the link...
  9. nicougrik

    Study: How Much Does One Plant yield ?

    I wanted to run regressions, and make continuous probability distributions of data. I'm a new grower and dabble in econometrics, i thought it would be a fun exercise to run some statistical tests on data relating to cannabis growing, its a huge industry now and there is so much to be learned...
  10. nicougrik

    Study: How Much Does One Plant yield ?

    So this idea completely failed lol
  11. nicougrik

    Study: How Much Does One Plant yield ?

    Hello, I am hoping to get a bunch of data from growers here in order to compile it and analyze it. The title of the thread is mainly to get people interested and to participate in the data sample, do not try to answer it. This Thread is mainly to collect data, so please refrain from replying if...
  12. nicougrik

    First grow

    Sweet, i hope so :)
  13. nicougrik

    First grow

    I have about 5 cfls right now, but i figured it wouldnt be much use to use so many while there a so few small leafs able to take in the light. and right now they are about 4 inches from the light. Should i get it closer ? should i put in more lights already ? thanks
  14. nicougrik

    First grow

    I literally just took this one, it looks as if the bottom one is starting to grow a little leaf so im less concerned about that one since it hadntgrown for a few days. As for the one on top.. still nothing ad getting more and more light yellow.. idk what to baby is dying !!! The Blueberry...
  15. nicougrik

    First grow

    hey guys as you guessed, this is my first grow. Since i can't start my own grow journal yet, ill be using this thread as my journal. I'm going to try to take a picture every 2 days to get good data. Anyway here are the facts: -I bought 5 feminized blueberry seeds + 2 free Somango seeds. -I put...
  16. nicougrik

    How Much Do You Sell Your Product ?

    by grams or ounces pls
  17. nicougrik


    what would be the minimum cost of a small gro op of 4-6 plants ? yes the cost for ALL the material
  18. nicougrik

    HEY...any growers in Paris ?

    i think im the only frenchman tryin to grow in paris haha well...if ya are...WADDAP
  19. nicougrik

    how much time ?

    yeah my bad it was cuz whe ni posted it i went and checked on "all my posts" to see if i got a reply and my post wasnt even listed so i remade it lol