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  1. cozz

    Help Please! male or female???

    id say right there is a mr im afraid
  2. cozz

    New Grows, Looking nice.

    looking great, nice recovery from your problems!! i know how you feel "every grow i have a problem" its frustrating, but dont it feel good when you get over it?
  3. cozz

    Advise, rate and critique a complete newbie's 5x5 tent setup!

    id say veging till 3ft with 6 plants plus all the side lighting etc you might be struggling for room, though indicas don't grow as tall that's still tight, not saying its impossible especialy with training but for your first go id lose 1 or 2, and don't get caught up in all the chems trust less...
  4. cozz

    HELP please

    hi how old is the plant and can you give pics?
  5. cozz

    drying my girls

    drumfounded is spot on, only you know how big your crop is, so thats where you begin, as long as temp, airflow and rh is good then anywhere will do, and yes generally its about a week he does it for,
  6. cozz

    Full kit grow box, tell me what you think?

    Like, after all recurring expenses (electricity, fem seeds, nutrients, water), how much per gram would it cost on average? Because right now, as a street dealer, I can get my cannabis for 3.05$/gram, and still it's not THAT cheap where I live because an ounce of good weed sells for around 140$...
  7. cozz

    brown spots and curling leaves

    I proberly didn't come across right with the "force feeding" afterall the plant will only take what it needs/wants, and I can fully understand that a more constant availability of nutes would work just aswell, as it does in soiless and hydro, its all down to what works for the individual/and...
  8. cozz

    brown spots and curling leaves

    az200 I see what your saying, but as were dealing with a live product we cant guarantee that the plant would take all the feed up even at half strength especially if the ph is out, as im sure you know the plant takes different amounts of nutes at different ph"s like the way hydro guys like to...
  9. cozz

    Can't figure out yellowing. New grower. Trying to not mess up beyond repair.

    hi no magic answer but wanted to say other then the yellowing they look very impressive for your first run, and also for only the 3rd week or so of flowering?? saying which did you cary on giving veg nutes for the first week or so for the transition, as some people like to do that to give a...
  10. cozz

    Full kit grow box, tell me what you think?

    got to agree cool looking box but to do 16 in there youd have to flower cuts straight away youd need single buds/lollypops like a nini sea of green and the results might not be what your expecting, as halloweener says youd have to go a lot less, id say as a mother/clone cab its great but theres...
  11. cozz

    Newbie has 500 cash and need your advice.

    agree with green machine, ive found the important things in the begining are good soils, temps and air flow, get them down and youve got a good base to grow from and then expand as you need to, i reckon a 600 gives you the most bang for buck and will allow you to get a couple more on the go...
  12. cozz

    brown spots and curling leaves

    yeah id be looking more towards letting the plants tell ya what they need, soil is very forgiving like that, but just coz its gone dry doesent mean it needs feeding nutes, especially in flower they do seem to drink a lot more water, as arris says every second watering or so is good thats how i...
  13. cozz

    300 g off 3 plants?

    dont know about educated!!! only use cfl for seedlings, but from what ive read in the past i reckon in a dialed in enviro and no problems 150 maybe a touch more though some will be "loose" but it all counts
  14. cozz

    brown spots and curling leaves

    and does it really say to feed every two days with your nutes?? if your doing that every other day along with watering id be sure youd be getting a salt build
  15. cozz

    drying my girls

    some one i know drys in lg cardboard box he ties string across and controls air throgh pc fan, works for him!!
  16. cozz

    300 g off 3 plants?

    ahh shame but the way id look at it is as long as they stay healthy you are gonna end up with something which is of course beter then nothing and as an experiment you will see how far cfl can go and also the difference between the bubbler and soil so plenty of positives in going for it, 8 week...
  17. cozz

    300 g off 3 plants?

    ah i see so 6-900 w cfl i reckon youd be better off with 600w hps and then youll get it
  18. cozz

    300 g off 3 plants?

    ive got to say id be be amazed if you got that with a 200 cfl for 3 plants, and jealous lol, but good luck trying i reckon 100 grams
  19. cozz

    This has happened 2 years in a row ...

    got to agree with the powder mildew id be looking at rh and temp swings
  20. cozz

    Do these look over watered?

    id say they are see how the leaves look almost wrinkly in places that's like theyre full of water