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  1. S

    first hydro grow....tell me if they look ok

    Maybe pick will post now
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    first hydro grow....tell me if they look ok

    ok so i changed my water cleaned everything out really good and im not seeing any sign of mold and my ph is just right. Im down to 3 waters a day 2 of my babays are doing great the other is just curling up and drooping not sure what is going on maybe its genetics. anyone have any thoughts check...
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    natural ph down

    well you also havew to understand that if your PH fluctuates to much or your plants see drastic changes in PH they will lockdown on you. I try to adjust my PH .9 over about 12 hours usually about 3 feeds during this time so they dont see drastic changes. Yea also have to watch out how you adjust...
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    natural ph down

    What do you mean eating the lemon juice as in your ph is going back cause that is natural ph expesially if it was balanced with lemon juice will need to be adjusted daily What type of water did you start out with I try to get the lowest ph water I can then adjust to min ph of 5.1 a lot of...
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    first hydro grow....tell me if they look ok

    ok so i drained my water and started over with really good water this stuff was 0ppm and 2.1 ph i adjusted to 5.1 and ppms are at 550 for these younge girls right now im feeding 3 times a day this is actually working i think ive moniterd the nute and water consumption for 2 days now seem to be...
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    My ebb n flow question!help

    I can't even pretend to be an expert in this field but I've read about a million things on ebb and flow most will say with a small Table 15 min should be total time from start of flood to final drain. I can say be very careful with seedlings in this type of system It can be desasterous for...
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    first hydro grow....tell me if they look ok

    actually floral faom is all i had available to me this is a remote area i mean i gotta drive like 50 miles to get water lol but either way i think it holds alittle to much water but the florests say that every rewater will drain it and put fresh in it same as rockwool we will see i ordered some...
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    first hydro grow....tell me if they look ok

    well actually i was wondering that cause my water temp is 21.5c and actually room temp in grow table is 22.5 with fan on it so im actually going to go get a heat lamp tonight and try to keep it alittle higher maybe around 78-80f. Im haveing some trouble with my res molding over it maybe cause i...
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    first hydro grow....tell me if they look ok

    ok so i i cut it back down about 3 feedings a day but not sure about one thing i feed right before bed time and when its time for them to wake up they are droopy as hell. So im going to change my last feeding around 6 and lights out around 10 see how that works for a day or so any help on this...
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    first hydro grow....tell me if they look ok

    Sorry for the delay I think I got pics to pot this time
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    first hydro grow....tell me if they look ok

    Ok so here it is...after years of reading an months of thoughts and weeks of Hell I finally got 3 little darling to wake up. I started with 6 but I've had hell Getting everything working together. I started in floral foam and at about Week 1 after they popped I got worried I had no nutes...
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    a thought on my light s

    OK so i have what most people would call a street lamp. We actually use these for alot of diffrent applications at work this ballast and casing is kinda big but its a 110 MH ballast. Now i put in a 400w universal light so that i can set it in sideways and not vertical. I was wondering if anyone...
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    first indoor grow need help

    i guess i can always do it the old fashoin way trial and error i just dont want to stess them to soon and cause hermie or males, but i can always start out on a say 4 times a day plan if they seem underwatered i can add more thank you for the help if anyone can help more i would appreciate it
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    first indoor grow need help

    Ty for the replies now I have another question I've heard diffreng people say different things on flooding . Some say with hydroton you flood twice a day some say 4-5 times a day. So In an experienced Opinion it takes my tray about 3min to fill up to the top of my hydroton about half way up...
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    first indoor grow need help

    Hey everyone this is my first indoor hydroponic grow. I have successfully grown a Few seasons outdoors so this is kinda an experiment stage for me I built an ebb&flow system for my closet. Its nothing special but I believe it will work for this first grow. My question is this I took some...