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  1. smoketheregs

    I need help with my plants!

    That's a mouth-watering setup you have there, Blueberry. But, as for my question, do you think it would be ok to just switch the pot size and use the same soil? Becuase I CAN do that, but I CAN'T get new soil unfortunatly.
  2. smoketheregs

    I need help with my plants!

    Well wait a second here, are we talking about the same type of light? I'm using Cfls and they are 2 inches away from the plant. Besides obviously the ones that aren't hung up.
  3. smoketheregs

    I need help with my plants!

    So I'm seeing a general consensus that it's the lights. I'm going to move them away a bit and see how they react. Do they need nutrients yet though? Like is it possible that this is them telling me that?
  4. smoketheregs

    I need help with my plants!

    Well yes, I'm going to transplant that one ASAP and as for the medium, you are probably right..But seeing as I'm on a tight budget is there any way I could just switch them to smaller pots with the soil they currently have? As for burning, I was told that the bulb should be 2 inches from the...
  5. smoketheregs

    I need help with my plants!

    Well, I'm seeing mixed opinions, I see people having large success with FF, and people who are smiting FF. I mean it's not Ocean Forest with all those fish guts and micronutrients in it, so is it still bad? I mean I've never used it before, but I've heard good things for the most part.
  6. smoketheregs

    I need help with my plants!

    It's reading between 6.2-6.8 ph and 40 total alkalinity. Also like I said, I'm having troubles keeping it at 70F, it's probably not heat.
  7. smoketheregs

    I need help with my plants!

    Ah, I had just transplanted some of them earlier, I was going to wait for those because they looked the best and I didn't want to stress them, but if that's what they need, that's what I'll do. Also - I sincerely doubt it's heat stress as I'm having problems keeping the room warm as it is.
  8. smoketheregs

    I need help with my plants!

    No, I didn't PH my runoff if that's what you're asking, but I was told that spring water is already properly PH'd if this is incorrect please tell me because I have a bunch of different options as far as water. And the temps stay do not go below 70F or exceed 75F
  9. smoketheregs

    I need help with my plants!

    I'm assuming you posted just as I added my post, I have given the information above your post.
  10. smoketheregs

    I need help with my plants!

    Oh shit, you're right. Pardon me, I just got off work. So I'm using Fox Farm Happy Frog Soil, no nutes yet (although I have them) and the bulbs are a mixture of 5000k and 2700k bulbs. Temps stay at around 70F and I water only when the soil is dry an inch or two deep. They popped up on...
  11. smoketheregs

    I need help with my plants!

    So everything's been going fine at first, but about 2-3 days ago I noticed some yellowing on one of my plants leaves. Then the next day there was a hole in it! I don't know what the fuck this is, but the leaves have gotten this yellow-orangish color on it and it doesn't look too good. There's...
  12. smoketheregs

    How to hook up ballast...

    This may help, however I have no experience with this just found a video with this tutorial;
  13. smoketheregs

    New to growing, this is my setup..Will it work?

    Oh shit that's a really good idea, I've been using metallic spraypaint, aluminum foil, and white spraypaint. They've been growing, but they still look like seedlings, waiting on them to get bigger. I also have a large roll of this white sheet type stuff that I'm sure would be very good for...
  14. smoketheregs

    Anyone still smoke blunts?

    Man, you're real hard to understand, not trying to be a dick but you're confusing the fuck out of me.
  15. smoketheregs

    Urine analysis question

    Aww man I hate getting piss tests, I was on probation for 2 years and I was still smoking though, here's how; Keep in mind this is only if you REALLY want to smoke, because if you get caught, there could be problems..But if you do it right, you won't get caught. So there's this awesome product...
  16. smoketheregs

    New to growing, this is my setup..Will it work?

    Well what I've been doing is; whenever it's about an inch deep dry I spray them with some spring water. The leaves are drooping on about 2 of them, so I've been holding off on watering them for a bit, but one of them is actually starting to straighten out already. But that really does suck, and...
  17. smoketheregs

    New to growing, this is my setup..Will it work?

    Yes, I have already figured out a way to get the lights to be where I want them, (some kindling, yarn, screwhooks, and chain) I also recently purchased 5000k cfls to go along with my 2700ks I have the full spectrum I need I think but I appreciate you trying to help :)
  18. smoketheregs

    Anyone still smoke blunts?

    I completely agree that cannabis is good for the human body, but all I was saying was, because I can't afford good weed..I have to buy shitty reggies that most likely comes from mexico
  19. smoketheregs

    Anyone still smoke blunts?

    Ok, you smoke cannabis to relieve pain, I smoke cannabis to relieve stress. I'm also not denying that you get good weed, because it's absolutely possible, especially in cali. Also I think you misunderstood what I said, when I said I don't care that I smoke the mexican cartel weed I meant that...
  20. smoketheregs

    New to growing, this is my setup..Will it work?

    Well, those seedlings I knocked over are starting to bounce back suprisingly, and I also hung two of those power bars(the ones in the front) to be right above the plants and I moved the others to give better coverage, it's kindof funny too, the biggest seedling is the one that's getting the...