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  1. cozz

    How thick are your stems? Indica Growers Please

    out of interest did you do any training? to veg for 9 weeks then get past the stretch and still be under a metre you must have made them bushy, fair play on it for your first grow, got any pic? im doin a indica dom, veg about4-5 weeks 1 week of flower, little or no training, about 110cm tall...
  2. cozz

    Are these girls toast? Pics & need some help please!!

    i agree with beblunted, looks more like a deficiency defo need more info, the fact the yellow leaves have green veins is a sign if i remember its nitrogen, but you need to find the cause, so list stuff like ie, soil, nutes, ph, age etc,
  3. cozz

    HELP! leaves falling off

    hi, no point even trying im afraid, you have basicaly put the plant in to flower by going 12/12 hence the whit hairs, but theres multiple things that dont look right, so id go with dons advice, theres a few basic principles to follow get those sorted and youll see a hell of a difference next time,
  4. cozz

    Question for Electrician, or a MacGuyver.

    forgot to say first off take apart and give it a good visual inspection burnt wires etc
  5. cozz

    Question for Electrician, or a MacGuyver.

    hi, i dont want to give you bad advice so take it as you will, what id do is remove old feed cable and replace with new rated cable, then as you suggest it needs a remote switch, for testing you can get a inline fused one rated at the correct ampage etc, then power her up and see, you can get...
  6. cozz

    First grow atm 61 days so far in flower.. Trichomes still clear how is it possible since its Indica

    hi, i know it can be frustrating, but theres lots that can change things, your dealing with nature, not cooking a cake in an oven! also things like people sometimes take the first day of flowering from when they flip the light, others say 7-14 days after which obviously changes things, end of...
  7. cozz

    burnt leaves

    hi, youd be better off if you can post a picture to allow people to see so they can help you, as problems like this can be a few things,
  8. cozz

    lime green/yellow bud sites,

    really sorry about the multiple post, but i think i worked out how to make them bigger!!!!
  9. cozz

    lime green/yellow bud sites,

    i know what you mean alien damn, picture dosent do it justice under the eye it is like if you had a fan leag and drew a line halfway across it 1 half is green 1 is yellow, but i take it on board it could be a over reaction as all else seems fine thanks
  10. cozz

    lime green/yellow bud sites,

    hi sorry im making a real hash of this, i typed loads out attached picture then posted and lost everything??? basically flipped them a week ago started bloom nute yesterday, opened tent today and every bud site/ new groth is flourescent yellow, took one out of tent and whilst not as bad under...
  11. cozz

    lime green/yellow bud sites,

  12. cozz

    is mirical grow plant food good what should i use that dosent burn the plant

    second that, I know theres lots of people that do use mg but theres no real benefits that are worth the hassle imho, I know people can think that theres a big con with purpose soils from growshops but defo worth using especially for the newer grower, the time release shit can cause you problems...
  13. cozz

    Whats up with these plant??

    might be my eyes but looks like theyre light green not yellow as such and no real brown crispy necrosis spots, did it start in one area? is ph ok inc run off? what about feeding some n
  14. cozz

    am I doing it wrong or is this normal?

    hi, i was gonna say look at your hours as some sativa growers mess about with hours to get them going ie 11/13 etc, but your not having a problem switching just with the leangth of time i reckon your right 11-14 week from true flowering switch, sure looks cool though
  15. cozz

    Ph is 5.4! D:

    I think the lime will do it but don't know how long that will take to buffer, you could try baking soda added to water to raise ph as its a alkaline, proberly no more the a tspoon per gallon and do a sort of flush with that, hopefully someone with more experience in this will advise you more...
  16. cozz

    Emergency problem!

    or eaten!! not got a shed or something that you cant "find the key too" or close friend??
  17. cozz


    sound advice from maine buds, also remember what soil your using as regards to feeding before switching don't want it too hot!!
  18. cozz

    Help auto

    poor thing cant lift its arms up!! when did you flush? has it dried out since flushing? if so i agree she needs a drink,
  19. cozz

    burn and yellow

    hi, could do with a pic of full plant and more info like area affected, soil, ph feeds etc, but to my untrained eye it looks like a small burn and a cal/mag issue on its wa,y and is it my eyes or are there weeds in the soil!!
  20. cozz

    Both Strains Developing Issues After Feeding - Pics

    i agree with snafuu also is your ph ok? including run off, got to say they look like theyre forming well for 3 weeks though, are the yellowing leaves at the bottom or higher up?