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  1. johnny781

    ph issue

    k I told Ur advice btw this is the most plants I'll have when I get my females the most I'll have at a time is 8 clones take the 4 best then veg for a week take the 2 best and finish repeat the cclones on the 2nd of the month and I'll have 2 in 3 diffrent stages of veg and 2 in flower sound...
  2. johnny781

    this looks like a female right

    . That's one here's 2 Easy to see half got chopped by the lights falling down
  3. johnny781

    1 month question about growth control

    Yes I'm adding um as we speak
  4. johnny781

    ph issue

    Yeah now I'm leaning towards lighting I used a light meeter came ucp low
  5. johnny781

    ph issue

    how's this
  6. johnny781

    ph issue

    so I had tin foil but everyone kept saying to take it down cuz of hot spots and the soda did the trick a perfect 7
  7. johnny781

    ph issue

    I have 65000 23 w
  8. johnny781

    ph issue

    Cfl I'm ganna be clustering them together soon cuz right now I have one on each but I'm ganna move um so I can get 2 lights on each
  9. johnny781

    ph issue

    I just tested my water it's 7 on the nose so the over watering must have been masking the ph imbalance I just added a lil soda and watered tested still at 5 so I don't want to keep adding soda so I might have to get ph up it just seems that thetnutes are acidic so I need to counter act that by...
  10. johnny781

    ph issue

    No what I'm a complete idiot I was over watering for about a month and I just found out 3 days ago so i am letting them go for a bit that's exactly what is I'm dumb I'll wait 2 more days and start a good watering cycle like every other or every 3 days and I'll retest and I'll just keep an eye...
  11. johnny781

    ph issue

    That's what I was trying to say so like if I'm at 5 and I want to be at 7 a table spoon or so in my next water won't harm it my only issue is planted food and fertilizer and other stuff has sodium so idk if it will be worse off to use baking soda cuz I got plenty
  12. johnny781

    ph issue

    Oh no not at all I'm not sure how baking soda kills plants and I don't have any answers that's why I am here but I was just bouncing it back off of u to figure out a good solution and I kinda get that whole ph up is for water and water is for plants so ph up for pools is ph up for plants that's...
  13. johnny781

    ph issue

    I heard lime stone and burnt wood
  14. johnny781

    ph issue

    The CCrystas in baking soda will kill them but ph up for plants is the same as for pools ?
  15. johnny781

    ph issue

    Home depot ? Would it be called ph up ? And would it be in the garden center or
  16. johnny781

    ph issue

    I water with tap. So that's not it where I live they pride themselfs with how neutral It is
  17. johnny781

    ph issue

    Is this a big problem my ph is around 5.0 5.5 and how can I get it to 7 simplely and cheap
  18. johnny781


    I found my soil to be around 5 is that to acidic and if so how do I get it lowered
  19. johnny781


    Yeah I just picked up a oh meter/ moisture/ light meter so I'll test the soil and lighting when I get back
  20. johnny781


    O Ok so u suggest acid up or something