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  1. W

    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    Those buds look delicious!
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    Nirvana Blackjack - Soil - 2x4 Tent - T5 HO

    Day 25 of Flower Things are moving along without any real trouble. Still seeing a lot of red stems so I bumped the Tiger Bloom up to about 3/4 dose, as well as about 1/2 dose of the other two. The fine detail in the buds is showing the limitations of my camera and knowledge. No manual white...
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    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    It would have been fine if you were using fluorescents. But I know how you feel. I bought a 110 watt T5 thinking it was going to be enough for the whole grow. LOL. Welcome to Noobtown, noobcakes. :-)
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    Nirvana Blackjack - Soil - 2x4 Tent - T5 HO

    Thanx for your input. I could maybe squeeze another small fixture in there but I would still have the same problem with fluorescent's poor penetration. I have looked around this forum, and others, and have seen many of these anti-mars hydro, as well as general anti-cheap chinese crap posts. I...
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    With timed dripper systems and flood & drain systems does the medium ever get dry? I ask because my reading suggests that cannabis medium should get dry between waterings. At least that's my perception of the information. But if there is simply a timer and no micro-management of the grow it...
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    Nirvana Blackjack - Soil - 2x4 Tent - T5 HO

    Day 17 of Flower Just a couple progress pics. Things are going pretty good except that I think I had it wrong about the CalMag deficiency. Pretty sure I'm seeing phosphorous deficiency now. Instead of purple stems they are actually red and there's some evidence on a couple leaves, as well. Next...
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    1st journal special kush#1 rqs

    Looking good! Those macro shots are really nice.
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    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    Bummer about the tops but it still looks pretty good. :-)
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    Galaxy Hydro 300w 2X2ft. LED Grow (154 actual watts)

    Wow! All that with a $99 light. Looks great, man!
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    Nirvana Blackjack - Soil - 2x4 Tent - T5 HO

    Day 13 of Flower Things are going pretty good. She has stretched several inches and started to make enough pistils to see without a magnifying glass. :-) Lots of, what I hope will be, strong bud sites and starting to smell delicious! Still feeding 1/3 dose of Fox Farm nutes, every other water...
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    Nirvana Blackjack - Soil - 2x4 Tent - T5 HO

    Day 6 of Flower Fed her a gallon of pH'd water and nothing else. I had a little tip burn after feeding last time and I can see some clawing of the leaves so best to skip the food this week, I think. The two new lights raised the temp. about 4 F. so I opened the last passive vent and it's come...
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    90 Watt LED Grow

    Lookin good.
  13. W

    Nirvana Blackjack - Soil - 2x4 Tent - T5 HO

    Built a couple CFL clamp-on lights today. The bulbs are 40 real watts each.
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    Nirvana Blackjack - Soil - 2x4 Tent - T5 HO

    Right on. Hope you enjoy my little sideshow. :-)
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    Nirvana Blackjack - Soil - 2x4 Tent - T5 HO

    Day 38 - Day 2 of Flower No bugs or blight. Yay! It's sticking around 40-55 RH and 73-79F (26C) . It's been near a 100 here the past couple days so I'm stoked to not be having trouble with it. Flipped to flower on Weds. (Day 36) Fed a gallon of water and 1/3 dose of Fox Farm nutrients today...
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    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    Good looking grow. I'm growing that Blackjack too. You're well ahead of me and I'm very interested to see how yours turns out.
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    Galaxy Hydro 300w 2X2ft. LED Grow (154 actual watts)

    110w. Two 55w PLL tubes. There's a light guide on this site that says for one small-ish plant it should be fine, but the general consensus seems to indicate that it's crap. Flipping to flower today. We'll see how it turns out. I could go buy another light today, but I kind of want to know how...
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    Galaxy Hydro 300w 2X2ft. LED Grow (154 actual watts)

    Very nice grow, MassHeads! I'm really happy to see something like this right now as I have been coming to the sad realization that I didn't buy enough light for my first grow, which is underway now, and have been looking at a MarsHydro Reflector 96 for next time. Looking forward to more photos...
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    Light Info for the Rookie - CFL

    I think the 4ft stuff has jumped recently. :-(
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    Light Info for the Rookie - CFL

    Thanks for the info. I will look around for that thread. I did get the T5 flowering bulbs, btw. 3k I believe. Hopefully that will help.