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  1. CaveChest

    ALL MALES!!! IM PISSED....I have a question and need help!!!!!!

    Hey dude i'm sorry for my mythical suggestion before but i would like to ask a question. How many of you have actually tried adding aspirin to a plant? ...... Well, what are you going to do with the males then? i'm curious to know what your doing with them because here is a pretty good...
  2. CaveChest

    ALL MALES!!! IM PISSED....I have a question and need help!!!!!!

    Fuck it man do whatever you like. But i have a Hermi in my front yard and i gave it asprin....
  3. CaveChest

    ALL MALES!!! IM PISSED....I have a question and need help!!!!!!

    Dude! Before its too late turn them Hermi! Add asprin to the water of the plants, i did it with a male i got and its now a hermi, it seriously works! I got 2 300mg asprin tablets (water soluble) and flush the plants using the asprin water, let the water go all the way through to the bottom and...
  4. CaveChest

    What nutes for flowering clones?

    Hey guys lets make this quick, i am chopping up a mother plant, what should i use for the nutrients for the little clones? Growing under warm white bulbs in soil hotbox...(hopefully) preferably ingredients rather than brands, because i live in AU i cant get fox farm and such. So what...
  5. CaveChest

    Verticall Plants ????

    ROFL I assumed you meant sideways and that you were growing plants Horizontally to confuse them :D I'm so trying that Peace J
  6. CaveChest

    Leaf for Brownies?

    Wow thanks for the responses yo. so to sum up. Freeze the fresh bud leaves and then chop/grind. then Add to the butter and proceed to melt butter via double boiler ect ect. Thanks everyone :) J
  7. CaveChest

    Fem seeds YES

    Ummm no. Think about it, the pollen from a male USUALLY makes male or female seeds, regardless of which plant its on the pollen usually has both sexes. the aspirin is meant to make male pollen female. J
  8. CaveChest

    Fem seeds YES

    DUDES! I have just tried the aspirin thing, and it works! I added 2 300mg tablets to a 3-4L jug and it turned my male into a Hermi! Don't know if the seeds are fem yet but acording to other sources they should be... just thought i'd let you know J
  9. CaveChest

    Leaf for Brownies?

    Sorry yo The harvest has been prolonged, due to an Aero misshap. But i will try and i will inform. J
  10. CaveChest

    Lighting Q's

    Hmm well I just moved my Ag plant into soil (i know risky move) but she seems to be going ok. And more amazingly my hypothesis was correct, second day under the 2 x 24wat warm white clf's and its starting to sprout white hairs at the top of the colas! I think (for my plants at least) the...
  11. CaveChest

    Lighting Q's

    Hey Yo Ok so i'm growing in the AG atm, and i have 2 rather tall females that i am keen as beans to keep, but i am shutting down the AG because i recently found out its illegal to grow hydro where i am :( SO, i have them in 12/12 atm and they have shown that they are clearly female but...
  12. CaveChest

    What to do with fan leafs?

    thanks yo do you have any suggestions, while your here, for speeding up the Bud process cause i'm about to shut down my AG. Cheers J
  13. CaveChest

    What to do with fan leafs?

    Hey yo Ok so its harvest time now and i just wanna know before i go choppin down the babes should i take down all the big fan leaves to let light get to the little colas so they can make bud 2? I ask too many Q's sorry but i rlly need to know. And what should i do with the fan leaves...
  14. CaveChest

    Hookah Weed?

    Hey yo Don't mean to be fronting on an Elite here but....first time i got high was through a hookah, my mate just whacked a bunch of bud up top and we hit it like normal. Trust me it works well. But what i want is not to put the weed with the tobacco but rather to have the weed with the...
  15. CaveChest

    Feminized seeds

    Hey yo I heard that by adding aspirin to the water of a male plant it will then produce all female pollen. I'm in AU so i'm not buying fem seeds, but i am happy to make my own. Also heard if you add aspirin to a female plant it turns Hermi AND makes female seeds. If anyone can validate...
  16. CaveChest

    Hookah Weed?

    Ummm jman i dont think you have any idea whats going on bro.... Were talking about smoking not growing. But thankyou for your input :D J
  17. CaveChest

    Hookah Weed?

    WELL! There are apparently "serious health risks" for smoking a Hookah, BUT these are not from the molasses or honey, they just give flavor, the real health problems are in the chemicals released by the coals eg carbon monoxide But trying to smoke honey or molasses (like in a joint) is just a...
  18. CaveChest

    Hookah Weed?

    Hey yo Sorry, were not talking about curing in honey. I'm talkin about having already cured weed (water cure preferably) THEN setting it up to be smoked in a Hookah instead of Tobacco. So when all the toxins and crap are gone, then we add the flavoring and honey. :D J
  19. CaveChest

    clone box

    DUDE! I was just about to set up one of those things, then my mister broke :( But it sounds plausible. As long as the plants can support themselves then you should be right i reccon. But dont take my word for it J
  20. CaveChest

    GreenX How to's... How to Water Cure (w/pics)

    Oooh thanks for the fast reply ;) My harvest is coming up soon soo if i have enough seperate bud branches i'll try it and let you guys know :) Have a good one yo