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  1. J

    Power/hydro ???

    How many watts till the hydro company starts getting suspishes?
  2. J

    first time grow 16 by 16 room ak 47 clones

    does ak 47 yeild well? i have about 9 or 10 feet ceiling. how long should i veg/ flower to yield the most. im gonna go with the bucket system hoping to fit about 35- 40 buckets( clones). What would you estimate total yield based on everything going smoothly?.. thanks for the replys
  3. J

    first time grow 16 by 16 room ak 47 clones

    so in that size room, would you recommend SOG or the bucket system growing them taller based on the strain im using (ak 47). if i were to do SOG how many plants would you do in the 16 by 16 room? orr if i were to use the bucket system growing bigger how many pants would you recommed in that size...
  4. J

    first time grow 16 by 16 room ak 47 clones

    im thinking 4 1000 W lights using the bucket system. How long should i veg be4 flowering to get best yeilds? should i be worried about amount of power ill be using? first time grow thx