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    Weird growth....any ideas

    I would suppose it is low as well after reading your post, about previous plants . that area may be robbed of its nutrients from other grows, roll the soil over and put the bottom on top. it may be that it isnt that it cant it , as there isnt anything to eat. NPK test kit with ph. still the same...


    see the mold? I just trashed this plant at a clients home. We installed a secondary exhaust system just 2 days ago to remove excess of heat from room due to climate change . in the spring, we get different weather and can get away with alot more. now our heat and humidity picks up. 2 things to...

    Weird growth....any ideas

    Its the PH. Guaranteed. 6.2 is the number


    a good bit of advice is , look at a grow tent.. replicate it on a larger scale. They put those holes in the tent for a reason,


    guys we all looked past the most important issue in this room. He is only running one exhaust. The one hooked up to the light. Its the radiation that the heat is coming from. Where is the main room exhaust at? dont just exhaust the light heat, If you dont get a supply of fresh air with a sealed...

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Interesting thread there. wow the thoughts that are rumbling in there. I have personally testing similar strains repeatedly. defoliated and not. selective defoliation does matter. I currently have a 2 og kush's right now in bloom with defoliated and not. Im testing the new kessil H380 spectral...

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    not yet, send me a link if you can, im gonna try to search it thourgh your profile

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    he is correct like everybody in this forum. we can all go in our grow rooms now. and easily find an adjustment. the nly thing i can add to this is watch a youtube video on lolly popping, and making clones. your missing on money from clones, and your light. you cant see a defiency because plat...

    Plant Dying After Transplant - Need Suggestions

    your water temp should be 7 degrees less than ambient temp. but a thermometer takes the guess out. your not making photosynthesis, or your plant is in repair mode. you know there is a base line of nutrients that auto level the ph. This is why I like DWC over hydro. I change instant change any...
  10. BOB4TUNA

    Weird growth....any ideas

    those weeds are gonna grow good with the nutes you use for your smoke,. also , your soil looks grey not brown. that tells me your ph is off? if you dont have a test kit grab a shovel and look for worms. no worms = no growing of plants.
  11. BOB4TUNA

    Weird growth....any ideas

    thats funny
  12. BOB4TUNA

    Weird growth....any ideas

    I was thinking same thing. leaves got wet and light, barely burned them. or root rot
  13. BOB4TUNA

    7 weeks into 12/12 and strange things are happening!! lots of backround info and pictures

    Alright Bro , this is an easy one. you have a magnesium defiecency. ok, some people try to use cal mag to bring up the magnesium. what happens is too much calcium blocks the magnesium intake. your plant is locked up. do a quick flush, and blend up some epsom salts. also, you need to flush the...
  14. BOB4TUNA

    AK47 Tall Baby!

    lol, It was pulled out of the grow room for cleaning. It doesnt stay there. I have another grow set up with Kessil H380's led. I built it out of a ice fishing shanty. lol. it actually works well. the insulation on the inside makes it a very stable out of the house grow. and my ventilation is...
  15. BOB4TUNA

    AK47 Tall Baby!

    see they are auto clones from these plants
  16. BOB4TUNA

    AK47 Tall Baby!

    here is some close up shots from the tips of colas forming. notice im only week three with tricome already popping through the primary leaves
  17. BOB4TUNA

    AK47 Tall Baby!

  18. BOB4TUNA

    AK47 Tall Baby!

    LOL, i need to put the pics up here from my phone. but my ak47 auto flower is over 6ft. and believe it or not she , since i topped the plant for a clone she split to multiple colas. and as you can see from the pics it looks like a bumper yeild coming my way i am only 3 weeks in bloom. yes i did...