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  1. z0b

    Best Smoking device Ever!!The Persei

    Boro plate or a hitman and a titanium nsol. I prefer the hitman over all so smooth and it has a built in oil dish
  2. z0b

    I can't lose my one and only help me!

    I just placed bottles over the top for the night they look so happy tonight
  3. z0b

    I can't lose my one and only help me!

    Ive been boiling the water in my room for about 30 min every few hours and ive gotten it to about 45 to 70. Im buyjng a humidifier tommorow i think im gojng to need one anyways when they movee to theyre real home. I can tell the roots soil is burning them a little but since i raised the...
  4. z0b

    Ph meters

    Is there a difference in the accuracy, usefullness, or Nything else between a soil or water ph meter. Any 30 dollar range suggestions?
  5. z0b

    Ph, nutrients, etc

    I wAs having some issues with my seedlings and was unaware my roots organic soil was sohigh in nutrients. I have botanicare grow and wondered if when I started feeling should I use less or just be on top of the ph
  6. z0b

    I can't lose my one and only help me!

    the boiling wster got me to 65 i have ine of those electric frying pans
  7. z0b

    I can't lose my one and only help me!

    currently theyre only in my closet with a bunch of cfl. im finishing up my room which the details are in my sig. i sealed everything but the front which i have a fan a little below theyre level. a small fan above theyre heads and a fan above the roof to circulate the whole closet. im boiling...
  8. z0b

    I can't lose my one and only help me!

    How am I supposed to raise the humidity without a hjmidifier
  9. z0b

    I can't lose my one and only help me!

    I mean the rest look wonderful its just her who's sick so idk ill just wait it out she has new growth which seems almost normal ill know better when I wake up give it some time
  10. z0b

    I can't lose my one and only help me!

    So what affect will that have they are 5 days old. I should I transplant or wait it out and it'll work itself out
  11. z0b

    I can't lose my one and only help me!

    WhT do you mean nutrient charge exactly
  12. z0b

    I can't lose my one and only help me!

    I posted 2 days ago and got no replies. I thought I over water so I let her dry out and now she almost lost worse. Any ideas? Room temp high 81 low 77 26 humidity Roots organic soil I posted on pic of her step sister to show a comparison. I need to save my girl its my only white lavender
  13. z0b

    attitude seedbank

    Lol I was just happy it arrived. 9 is better than none
  14. z0b

    iced grapefruit, g13 labs cheese, g13 labs white lavender

    Recovering from my over love lol
  15. z0b

    hey everyone its z0b

    Ayyy what up haha. Thanks bud up I love my girls lol
  16. z0b

    vaporizer blackout

    What is thedifference in hose and big smoking?
  17. z0b

    iced grapefruit, g13 labs cheese, g13 labs white lavender

    Ahhhh I think my anxiousness led to overwatering. I just wanted to love my girls but 2look stunted and have firm cotlyedons. If anyone can tell me if I'm correct that would be great.
  18. z0b

    vaporizer blackout

    My roommate packed the vape put a bunch of keef in there, I hit it twice and woke up 3 hours later. Why didn't I buy this sooner?
  19. z0b

    hey everyone its z0b

    Ahhh you can subscribe to grow journals? I'm still learning my way around haha. I'm not one to stick my nose in nonsense. I'm here to learn so my baby girls have the best life lol they only deserve the best. Nice to meetyou! FeeI free to note all your observations. My very good friend left me...
  20. z0b

    is it female?

    She's beautiful man.. I bet your such a proud dad now lol.