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  1. Agent Rick (FBI)

    Question about hermie polinating other plants

    RC is ok. Too high of a herm ratio. But the bud that comes out good, comes out good. IME When a herm pollinates itself the seeds will be 70 - 90% herm. If a herm pollinates another female I would speculate you could end up with between 30 - 70% depending on the female. YMMV
  2. Agent Rick (FBI)

    Declaration of Independence

    When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent...
  3. Agent Rick (FBI)

    Growing with Four 90w Leds

    The whole how much per plant is useless discussion. You can get 10 pounds per plant.
  4. Agent Rick (FBI)

    Growing with Four 90w Leds

    SOG doesn't work very well with ufos. You have to raise the light too high decreasing its usefulness. Led is most useful at real close distance. Not so effective when you start getting over a foot above the plant. You would be better off with a huge scrog per light vs 20+ plants with the light...
  5. Agent Rick (FBI)

    Customs found my seeds but sent me them anyways

    I once had a large shipment of novel psychedelics arrive with green homeland security tape but the products were still in the package which obviously was ripped open and seen by someone. /\/\/\/\/('' - '')\/\/\/\/\
  6. Agent Rick (FBI)

    Growing with Four 90w Leds

    The key with the ufo's is 2 plant max per light. Then you can get them real close to the plant. It will take you probably 6-7 ufo's to pull a pound but then again you have to factor so many things in like veg time etc etc. which is echoed hear everyday. Remember a 90w ufo is really only 50w - 65w