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  1. M

    Pot Cooking TV Show

    I get what you guys are saying, and somewhat agree. I believe that cannabis should be able to be used medicinally as well as used recreationally. These guys are adults with children. They're funny guys stoned or not, and making people laugh/putting on a good show is what they do for a living...
  2. M

    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    Anyone ever had baked fish with cannabutter? It has such an nice herbal flavor that really complements white fish
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    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    I'm gonna keep em, as an experiment for larger tanks. A friend of mine, a local mmp grower, used bottled fish "poop" as fertilizer in their water. I assume this should work similarly.
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    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    You can see in the video the fish are quite content :)
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    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    Hey guys calm down, there is a light block on the top. The tank is very underlit for a fish tank so no worries.
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    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    1. I will only use nutrients if I they're safe for the fish, 2. I can't completely black out the sides or the fish won't survive, but maybe 3 sides and the top would be enough??
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    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    sso- The pleco is very small as you can see here, maybe 2 inches. I once had one grow to 18" before it passed, but it took many years. I plan on recycling the fish to the pet store once this attempt is done, and try other fish if it works, and I do it again. Figured I would give everyone a...
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    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    Thought about a filter, but I think the plants would prefer the "dirty by fish" water. I'll just keep topping it off with fresh ph'd water once it is evaporated/used up.
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    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    gastanker- thanks for clearing up the algae, I think another pleco is in order. ismokealotofpot- thanks. I have them on styrofoam now, plenty of air pumping in, and 1 pleco, but i think I will get more to maintain algae.
  10. M

    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    That was my thinking when I purchased him, but I guess I wasn't aware that algae was a big problem?? I've had a few different fish-only tanks and I know you have to keep up with the cleaning, but is algae growth going to affect my plants?
  11. M

    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    So perhaps, lose the tinfoil, yet keep the top covered to prevent light from directly hitting the water/roots? Thoughts?
  12. M

    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    Gastanker + missnu: Understood, no hyrdro-nutes. Think i will try the aquatic plant nutes though. As for light getting into the tank. I'm not going to put additional light on the tank, just ambient from the plant lights. Still curious though, is the light going to KILL the roots? or is it...
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    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    There's fish, rocks, airstones, a live plant and a heater in the water. I want the fish to act as the nutrients, but I think blocking all the light will kill the fish eventually...
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    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    Why does everyone on these forums assume less knowledgeable people are kids?
  15. M

    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    Is any light okay for them? I'd rather not have the fish in the dark completely. Is Mylar better than foil then? I figured it would work as a cheap alternative. -masterpotchef
  16. M

    Pot Cooking TV Show

    Couple MMP buddies I know. Heres the 1st two episodes, I will be shown in the third created pot filled twinkies, fried, and topped with CannaCaramel. Enjoy -masterpotchef Episode 1: Episode 2...
  17. M

    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    Nothing is dangerous about it. All fish tanks have lights on them... Obviously water and electricity don't mix, but they are well separated and everything is well grounded. I will admit i'm not a grower, but i'm not a kid either ;) -masterpotchef
  18. M

    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    I'm using CFL's. No nutes so far, like I said they were just growing in the window. I was thinking of getting hydro nutes. I bought 6 fish for the project hoping to use them as natural fertilizer.
  19. M

    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    I had two little girls started in soil growing in the window. Decided to try DWC. Never done this before. Was yellowing before the transfer, so hoping this will help them grow better. Any tips, comments, advice would be appreciated. Thanks -masterpotchef
  20. M

    OILS the Truth..

    If there is under .5mg/per serving they are allowed to state it as 0% transfat -Masterpotchef