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  1. Nugglet

    first time growing pics.

    Read that link man :) It will tell you everything you need to know in amazing details! But for veg you need 6500K and flowering switch to softer light 2700K. Its up to you on the watts. I use 23watt 6500k right now. I have 4 per plant. And i have them positioned around the plant so its like a...
  2. Nugglet

    first time growing pics.

    Its a shame to throw them away. Trust me i know :( But its up to you really man. Personally i would prob toss em and start over becuase u will recieve much better outcomes quicker. Read that cfl post i linked for you and you will be much better off :) Cheers buddy and happy growing !
  3. Nugglet

    first time growing pics.

    Thanks for the plus rep btw tom :) Forget the whole 18 situation man. lol.. regardless of how old you are... Where the hell did u get reptile heat lights? lmao... anyways if cash is a issue go with what someone said above. CFLS. Cheap and they work good. Read up on some growing guides man...
  4. Nugglet

    Watering everyday a problem?

    hey buddy :P Yeah this is a question i've been debating meself on as well. I water everymorning before i go to work. Or in the morning when i get off work. But its always at about 6am. The plant is never dry when i water it. But i never water it till there is drainage either. But the plant is...
  5. Nugglet

    first time growing pics.

    Yup :) First off. Grats on growing man. Give us some specs. Soil/lighting/nutes/age/strain.. Second thing i can tell ya quickly is stretched plants dude. Lower that light. Third thing. Each plant needs to be in its own pot. Or your gonna get some problems real quickly
  6. Nugglet

    watering of seedlings/sprouts

    Exactly. Its as easy as checking the soil. Get a moisture metre would be my solution. Its like 10$ at any place which sells flowers :) Huge help down the road, but just watch ur soil man. When its dry.. water it. Make sure u got drainage holes to prevent rot, and Don't be fooled by the top layer...
  7. Nugglet

    what are these and what sex

    yeah i would agree man. Its just a bit to early. I agree tho it does kinda look like maybe some female action going on but not to get ur hopes up. Wait another week of so man and you will see for sure. Cross your fingers! And you say its a 2 hour trip to see ur baby? HOW DO U SLEEP AT NIGHT!? :P
  8. Nugglet

    How does it look so far?

    They look healthy! How far away is your light? And what are you using for equipment? And is that tin foil or mylar? Scrap the foil if so :P Other then that dude looks like a good setup. Make sure u get fresh air in that closet tho!
  9. Nugglet

    Has Your Seedling Ever Smelt?

    nice man, those buds looked sick! Im hoping mine turn out good! I'm about two weeks into veg now, but really the plant didn't get sufficent light till about a week ago and its taking right off! I think i'm gonna need a bigger pot before im done. I think the one its in now is like 7"? Im leaving...
  10. Nugglet

    Has Your Seedling Ever Smelt?

    my baby is about two weeks into veg as well and it has a strong grass/weed smell. Each day it starts to smell more like weed. Its medicinal so im curious how it will turn out. Hopefully its a female for me as well. It is my first grow indoors, but how long before my grow room starts to smell...
  11. Nugglet

    Start of new grow- 15 days old- How am I doing?

    Nice man! Those are getting big! Looking nice and healthy. I've been working crazy hours and shift work sucks lol. But mine is doing pretty good as well. Note quite as big as yours i don't think but the third node is coming in. What are u working with for lights? Ill post some pictures tomorrow...
  12. Nugglet

    My Operation

    I had a closet grow setup and the only issue i had was temps. And i was not even using HPS. So watch out for that. You will definitly need a intake/exhaust for the closet using HPS. Or a cooltube man. Im not to familiar with the cool tubes myself, but there are lots of links on here all about...
  13. Nugglet

    first outdoor attempt

    I posted on your other thread asking about your light situation, but now i notice its outdoor :P Which would explain the stretch. I also posted they looked heat stressed/Nute burnt. But maybe its the opposite:S If you have not given any nutes yet at all and your soil doesn't feed the plant for...
  14. Nugglet

    new grow .. do my girls look ok?

    The bottom of ur plants stem is nice and thick :P thats a bonus. But its hardcore stretched! I prefer the bush effect :P What is your lighting situation? It's pretty tall for three weeks eh(yes im canadian:P)? Also man looks like u got some either heat stress or nute burn on a few leaves from...
  15. Nugglet

    I cannot tell the sex of the plant

    How far along is it into flowering man? That picture is not very close but by the looks of it man itlooks male :(
  16. Nugglet


    What are u transplanting from and to? I went from a Little paper cup to a 2 gallon pot when my baby was very tiny lol. Just be careful and if your using a cup, have a hole ready in your new pot and put the stem between your fingers and turn your cup upside down. The hole soil/roots should pop...
  17. Nugglet

    will be turning to 12 on 12 in 1 week

    That is a sick set up man :) Beats my box all to hell. Lmao. Nice looking girls and good luck with the grow dude.
  18. Nugglet

    First indoor grow! How am i doing?

    I will keep updating phones throughout my grow:P hopefully people comment On how she is doing :P Im gonna need it!
  19. Nugglet

    First indoor grow! How am i doing?

    Here are updated pics again of my baby!