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  1. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    I haven't given it to them yet .... do you want me to change it up???? I put 5 tbsp of 2nd nute and 2.5 tbsp of enzymes in 2.5 gallons and about to feed that to one plant and repeat on others
  2. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Yes just like u said right??
  3. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Yea I'm doing all in one bucket but I'm only doing 2.5 gallons at a time.... I have four plants
  4. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Ugh very hard to tell what I'm giving them because the water is brown and I can see the color very well.... but I think it's around 6.0 ish......
  5. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Ok I just right now mixing up nutes and I'm giving enzymes and 2nd nute atm
  6. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    So I will make changes so that don't happen again....
  7. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Well.... looks like they have been getting nutes fed to them at 5.0 ish......
  8. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Yea really when I check my ph I make it yellow.... yellow can be some where around 6.0. ....... So I'll get a half ass reading
  9. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Ok I'll have to wait until I feed in about 7~8 hours away.... the girls are asleep right now
  10. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    I use this to check...
  11. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    And I have been using this to lower ph.... I don't have any ph up ......
  12. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Oh and I will get you some fresh pics when lights come on.... they will be under a hps ...... do you want me to get pics right before lights come on with my phone with a flash or are the pics fine with hps light?
  13. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Well my tap water is around 9.0 or so but I just check my garbage can before I water and set it to 6.0 but from now on I will check it after I mix nutes in witch I haven't been doing. And I don't have and EC meter....
  14. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Well what I have been doing is I have a trash can full of water that I keep ph at 6.0 .... my question is do I need to a just ph after I add my nutes to my water that was 6.0 before nutes.... And no I didn't get the fulvic/hymic .... I'm already like 5 or 6 grand into this grow.... my wife is...
  15. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    No didn't get that.... also should i be checking the ph after I put nutes in water if it was good before nutes went in?
  16. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    So put all that in the same 2.5 gallons and feed correct?
  17. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Might be a dumb question but when adding nutes this is how I have been doing it.... I water each plant with 2.5 gallons of water each so when adding nutes the bottle says 2 tbsp per gallon on each of my two nutes I use.... So my question is let's just say I wanted to do a half and half mix I...
  18. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Ok so I just got some stuff.... today is feed day.... do you want me to add this today or just add my nutes just like you said....I guess what I'm unclear on is should I be adding the enzyme today..
  19. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Oh and semper thx for all your help bro :)
  20. Lil green leaves

    1st timer 20 days of flower

    Ok I will see what the shop has but I will dial down the 1st nute for sure .... you think 1/4 1st nute to 3/4 2nd nute is good ?