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  1. chillindude420

    1st grow.. questions

    Thats normal. You should be ok buddy
  2. chillindude420

    1st grow.. questions

    What kind of lights are you using and how ofter do you water?
  3. chillindude420


    female forsure buddy
  4. chillindude420

    Nutrient Help!

    Ok I was just wondering how often would you feed them?
  5. chillindude420

    How often do I feed my plants?

    I got a plant almost a month old. I just watered them with these nutes my dad gave me called supernatural brand. They came with grow terra for veg, bloom terra for flowering, and super boost for max bud production. The nute ratio is 20-20-20 for the grow terra, which I just started using...
  6. chillindude420

    Start of new grow- 15 days old- How am I doing?

    Could be a fire hazard? but their cfls they cant get too hott
  7. chillindude420

    Start of new grow- 15 days old- How am I doing?

    Yep I sure can. I was actually just thinking about that myself. Kinda low on cash so you think I cud just use a piece of paper and shape it like a cone, the put the light in the cone, and have the cord hang out the pointy side of the paper cone?
  8. chillindude420

    Start of new grow- 15 days old- How am I doing?

    :weed:Peep em out buddies
  9. chillindude420

    Watering everyday a problem?

    And ive always heard its bad to water plants everyday. So just to be safe I try to water them every 2 days. But my soil is drying up so fast. I watered them with nutrient water for veg growth last night around 10pm for the first time. Im going to wait till tonight to see if the soil is dryed up...
  10. chillindude420

    Watering everyday a problem?

    But when they are underwatered they also droop. So its hard to tell if you have an overwatering or underwatering problem.
  11. chillindude420

    Gday wanna see my little mutant

    What kind of lights, soil you using?
  12. chillindude420

    Watering everyday a problem?

    Were all friends here can.i.buz! ha No worries
  13. chillindude420

    Gday wanna see my little mutant

    Ha that things weird man. Hopefully she grows all the way to see how she turns out.
  14. chillindude420

    Watering everyday a problem?

    I start my grow out with 24/0 lighting then after two weeks or so I switch to 18/6. The 24/0 makes the plant grow small and bushy. So then when you throw the 18/6 at them they shoot off light rockets and get taller.
  15. chillindude420

    Watering everyday a problem?

    No need for criticism her buddy. Were all just tryin to help each other out.
  16. chillindude420

    Switching from veg to flowering soon! here the she is
  17. chillindude420

    Switching from veg to flowering soon!

    I posted a thread of my grow. There are a couple of good pic of my gals. Ill post some new pics today on that thread.
  18. chillindude420

    Start of new grow- 15 days old- How am I doing?

    Just feed both plants 1/4 strength of grow terra yesturday. She perked up real nice today. I get some pics up sometime today.:weed:
  19. chillindude420

    Switching from veg to flowering soon!

    Okay buddy thanks for the help
  20. chillindude420

    Switching from veg to flowering soon!

    And would you know when to start feeding it that super boost stuff? Somewhere near the end I was thinking. I just want to know how to do all this before hand so nothing bad happens. ha