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  1. C

    Leaf tips curling under??? pics!

    bumpity... no one has a clue? really?
  2. C

    Leaf tips curling under??? pics!

    does this look like the leaf tips are curling under? and what does it mean. i also have a few top leaves in the last pic that are light green on the outside of the leaf... normal? [IMG][/IMG] curling tips light green outer edges another light green pic and last...
  3. C

    Does this look like a male?

    just anxious. wanna get rid of em males and give more room to the fems
  4. C

    Does this look like a male?

    it kinda looks like it has tiny balls around the stems.. no?
  5. C

    Another sexing question?

    oh and for nutes i have fish emulsion 3 tablespoons per gallon. will this work? got it cheap
  6. C

    Another sexing question?

    wow they've been flower for a week now... im excited its a girl that's for sure. thanks for the help
  7. C

    Another sexing question?

    does it look like it might be a female?