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  1. NastYNortH

    help with veggin

    Yo Jesus please tell me your serious if you are that is so sweet if it's a joke your fuckin hilarious man.
  2. NastYNortH

    smoking resin?

    Well, He wasn't kidding you should try it sometime Grizzly BTW love the pic.
  3. NastYNortH

    Who can Diagnose this Plants Sickness?

    I just said it wasn't a deficiency. IT's OVERWATERED.
  4. NastYNortH

    Who can Diagnose this Plants Sickness?

    A plant isn't rootbound unless there's roots comin out of the bottom both my plants in 5 gallon buckets have roots coming out but I don't have the space in the closet for two 50 gallon drums LOL
  5. NastYNortH

    Who can Diagnose this Plants Sickness?

    Those are two different plants Anonymuss but just like Grow One said, It's overwatered let it dry out tomorrow and by Monday it will look like your other two. The last thing you should worry about right now is Nutrient deficiency Bro just keep up the good work. Also, No need to Re-pot right now...
  6. NastYNortH

    smoking resin?

    I'm puffin on the shit it's terrible but gets you fucked thats all that matters right?
  7. NastYNortH

    3rd 4th week from 12/12 into flowering leaves always fall to me?

    I use only Big Bloom for flowering and I do a teaspoon every other day. My opinion is that the Grow big is burning your leaves thats your entire problem. O and by the way I would flush if I were you. Happy Smokin Bro.:weed:
  8. NastYNortH

    Need help with dilema

    I had this same problem all you need to do is flush for three days no nutes then go back to nutes at half the strength you were feeding that should solve your problem to see if it works cut the burnt leaves off.
  9. NastYNortH

    Flurry of problems

    You !NEED! to let your plants dry out before you kill them by way of root rot and you had plenty of nutes before you added the kool bloom and not to be an ass just someone with a history of burning with nutes and now all I have is green healthy plants. If you don't want your plants to fall over...
  10. NastYNortH

    How many cfl's for a decent yield?

    Thats funny you say that because my plants have a tendency to grow into my Cfl's as well but I'm subbed man I like that you only have one plant.
  11. NastYNortH

    How many cfl's for a decent yield?

    Hey Gmz this is relevant to your grow but how do you post pictures man?