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  1. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    yes sir. If the end result is impressive in any way, it will be analyzed by a lab using the same method as all the major seedbanks (which seems to be gas chromatography).
  2. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    anyways the point was, to most people (average users) a few extra % content isnt worth a ton of money, not by a long shot....but to the medical field that has REAL patients with real life threating illnesses, its priceless. Please stop to think about that for one sec. Why would they charge...
  3. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    im completely aware of all their strains and prices. Their newest is $5000 for 20 seeds. Now I truely appreicate your review on the purple elephant. It is actually useful. I have no desire in their yeild claims though for myself. Only their content claims. Again its for medicinal field...
  4. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    I know Redi....sorry I will stop...just hard when the tool is such an easy target, and gets all "rilled up" like a woman. :)
  5. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    feel better about yourself yet? :P enjoy your fantasy!
  6. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    What kind of arrogant tool posts pics of his stuff on someone else thread with no one caring, nor asking him too? hehe
  7. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    lol, u said u were leaving how many times now? You have brought 0 to the conversation. Peace out bro!
  8. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    wow, homebrewer, thx. Not for sticking up for me, but for having reason. I feel people should be happy others are taking the risk for them and willing to share what they find openly and honestly. Good or bad. These losers are just out to hate, pure and simple. and again, I ask why?
  9. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    oh, and i forgot....I know for fact 28% content will whine and cry hog wash but I know its real. So saying that 30% or higher is impossible? Ignorance my friend. Pure ignorance.
  10. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    I posted pics here for redi jedi of my jedi. I said we have many 20%+ strains including original ice and are looking for something 30%+ if it exists. and the dummy asks if I have ever grown. lol, yeah there is reasoning with this guy. Just becasue the average person is content with 20%...
  11. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    yeah redi jedi, just give up, the dude is like many and convinced his strain is the most potent in the world. There couldnt possibly be anything more potent! hehe Yep, you are right, I havent even ever got a bean to sprout. maybe some day ill figure it out. Ice is a damn good strain...
  12. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    very nice collection buddream!! And yes $12-$18 a seed sounds very reasonable for really good genetics. Mine were slightly more but with freebies were even less! we too are trying to expand on our few really solid strains we already had. not looking for more plain old 20% strains though. We...
  13. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    lmfao at the hasben that talks about a cup 12 years ago. OMG, prove you are an old fart stuck in your ways a little more. I have a strain that is proven over 25%. Im looking for a new strain that is over 30%. Just because you got a deal, from a buddy, and got 1 good seed for $3, makes you a...
  14. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    no I am challenging you JN8, i was talking to BUDDREAM clearly up above like I stated. I wasnt challenging him, just asking him if he expected best genetics out there period for $10. he was being rational and not acting like a child that didnt get his way, just whining and crying with no...
  15. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    lmfao. I have read through all the threads I could find on bcseeds. "your" site and others. All have the same 2-3 things. 1. the few people that actually ordered and didnt receive anything, (I could only find 4 cases period and all were from USA, and all were small guys, not legit medical...
  16. M

    Bud too dry??? Try this...

    I second the citrus peels! Orange, mango, and esp lemon! I completely agree with dude above. I have tried almost every method mentioned and the citrus peels are best by far with benifits but do not put too much in or leave too long. Adding a wet piece of actual plant is the best "natural"...
  17. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    Lol, here we go. Over and over people will talk chit but NEVER answer if they have any experience with the company or genetics at all hilarious. Interesting point on seeds for $100 range bud dream. I should probably have higher standards, but I don't expect seeds that are $10 each to be a...
  18. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    yes we are aware of their disclaimer and aware you are paranoid and think they have same address as other sites. Both are just ways they protect themselves. I didnt get ripped off. I received good beans. fact. how close they live up to their description on potency and quality. We will see...
  19. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    Great pics and comments Buddream! I love honest reviews but may I ask why you expected it to be the best you ever smoked when its one of the cheapest strains they carry? What was ur honest opinion on how they took off, how fast they matured, basically the quality of the genetics compared to...
  20. M

    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    Yeah the sand is actually GREAT for people that have ever had the knat problem. I actually just helped a guy on a diff topic that asked how to get rid of knats, and several other people said the same thing about sand, while I was typing my response! :P The bugs arent still there. The knat...