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  1. G

    Dying...Help with rockwool cubes

    Ya, the rockwool was soaked for 24hrs prior in 5.5 ph. But then watering with the high ph is what caused the plants to die? Also, can I just put water in a bucket and let it sit out for a day or two to let chlorine dissipate? And please, someone tell me...aside from ph and chlorine problems...
  2. G

    Dying...Help with rockwool cubes

    ph was around 8 (eight)
  3. G

    Dying...Help with rockwool cubes

    Hey all, So I started out a few seedlings in rockwool cubes, and had some trouble. They have been in there for about 3 weeks, and all plants are slowly dying. Many leaves have turned yellow and are wilting. I'm not sure if its because of watering or what. I have been misting the plants...
  4. G

    My seedlings will get by with a little help from my friends...

    any more ideas? I thought humidity dome stayed on longer...
  5. G

    My seedlings will get by with a little help from my friends...

    Hey all, Alright, was wondering if ya'll could give some pointers here. As you can see in the attached pictures, the leaves on one of my plants is turning yellow. Any idea why?? Also, they are two weeks old. How does growth look?? Slow, normal, etc.. I am watering every 4 days or so, but I'm...
  6. G

    Please help my seedlings!!

    Hey all, I need help here. I don't know whats going on. My seedlings were looking fine, but now some have started drooping over. Please see the attached pictures. I have the seedlings in rockwool cubes which were soaked in PH 5.5 for 24 hours prior, with 24 hrs light of 48watt T8 bulbs (6500k)...
  7. G

    Seedling help....

    hmm..I'm germinating fine without a microwave, I'm just confused as to the amount and the way to apply water...
  8. G

    Enough light?

    From what I hear and have read, 20watts per square foot is normal....your average (4 by 3) is around 240 watts...I'd say your good with 2000w :)
  9. G

    Seedling help....

    How much and how exactly do I water the rockwool cubes? They are sitting on a bed of perlite, so I don't know if I should use an eydropper amount, spray them with a spray bottle, or simply dump a cup of water on the cube. Sorry for the super specific questions, but I don't know how else to...
  10. G

    Seedling help....

    Thanks guys....How often do you all water your rockwool seedlings??? Also, how do I tell when the cube is dry? touch or moisture meter, etc...
  11. G

    Seedling help....

    Hi all, New here, but have a few questions if ya'll can help me out. I am in the seedling life cycle, right now and have a few questions. Here's what I've done so far... - Soak seed in water, 24 hrs. - Put in between wet paper towels, covered with coffee mug (white sprouts popped out after...
  12. G

    Several Questions From a Newbie..

    Alright, so I have a few questions and was hoping someone or several would be able to help me. To start out, I am looking to start a small grow room, growing maybe 6 plants. I am growing for two reasons: 1. Personal use and close friends only 2. Just to see if I can So, to start. I have...