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  1. D

    clay pots vs. plastic pots

    it has to be plastic, you try and move a 5gal clay pot with soil and plant it a lot moor work
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    so, am I the only female here?

    hi arrid awwwwwww, weeee are so poor in the uk, i cant evin aford a scren saver of the sun to grow with so wot can weee do? LOL
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    I has to be tecno for me, helter skelter, mark eg, darren styles, al of slmmin vinyl is brill, the producer, and lots of old school its all good. i like the thred
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    3 Weeks Flower White Widow Pics

    i just love that stuf its so fucking nice. sum of the best pics iv seen for ageis
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    PugButts 2nd Grow! Success!

    very good job its hard to get good bud with clf grow but you did it to. when are you going to start yor next grow? maby we can start a clf grow at the same time?
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    New to this site

    ventricle01 you will get lots of feed back and we al lick lots of pics dos not mater how big or small the plants are
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    It's a girl!!

    dont stress it, it will be ok wot are you going to name her? good luck!!
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    2 Q's

    wot dos yor room temps get up to mid day in the sumertime?
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    What are You Listening to Right Now??

    j-dog yor name is a bit closs to mine? lol. slamingvinyl mark,eg
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    so, am I the only female here?

    :mrgreen: hi my cheery i pict a flower for you LOL
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    4 ounces off 1 great white shark

    hi cockeye did grow that bud i did say that he grow it, the end....he he he lol
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    CFL Flowering

    make a reflcter out of a beer can thay werk very well good luck
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    Miracle Grow Soil?????

    you cud esly kill them when you start to fed them with MG timerelease i did it in the past
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    my misis

    is that me?
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    my misis

    il the time.......ioi
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    so, am I the only female here?

    thay are! thay are!
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    my misis

    miy misis puts her leags on me to stop me going on rollitup
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    my misis

    my misis puts her leags on me to stop me frum geting to rollitup
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    its out ov the overn i cant wayt?
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    so, am I the only female here?

    i love dresing up pinky pinky