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  1. D

    Is this even marijuana?

    How I started my plant? Well; I went to ace hardware, got 2 bags of cactus soil. 2 4 foot flourescent light fixtures (each able to hold 2 bulbs). Came home, got an old 10 gallon glass fish tank and filled it up with 1 and a half bags of cactus soil. used a spoon to make a few small holes (about...
  2. D

    Is this even marijuana?

    Hmm, I just really sat down and looked at my plant. It has 7 leaves on alot of places. Take a look at the picture. It has 5 bigger leaves, and in the back 2 smaller leaves. Is this normal?! Sorry for all the questions, just never grew anything before.
  3. D

    Is this even marijuana?

    Ok, I just checked, I believe the 4 flourescent bulbs I have equal to 600 watts of power. Im not positive though.
  4. D

    Is this even marijuana?

    Oh, and the lights are flourescent. they are 40 watt lights, but they produce a much greater light output i was told. Thats the reason I got them. And still, even if what I was told was wrong, thats still 160 watts of power.
  5. D

    Is this even marijuana?

    I assumed what it was, because I planted it. But there has been so many seeds around that fish tank I wasent for sure. Because I've seen alot of pictures and mine seems to be, I dunno, just somewhat different. So I wasent 100% sure.
  6. D

    Is this even marijuana?

    Oh, and does anyone know whats causing that one leaf to turn yellow, and some of the others tips to brown? Also, a pic of my lights have been added. and why are purple streaks on my stems? is this normal? Thanks all for your replies. Jon
  7. D

    Is this even marijuana?

    I'm using two 40 watt double bulb flourescent lights. I lined the fixtures with tin foil, and I lined the entire closet with tin foil. The lights cost me probably a total of 20 dollars. The fixtures were around 6-8 dollars a piece (at ace hardware for 4 foot fixtures) and the bulbs were $1.50 a...
  8. D

    Is this even marijuana?

    Oh also, for a tip for first timers. Dont be dumb like me and try to grow papaver somniferum right beside the pot plant. They wont survive. lol
  9. D

    Is this even marijuana?

    I also done something els stupid to, but oh well, its already done. Im gonna try to transplant them asap because the bigger plant has the entire 10 gallon fish tank filled with roots.
  10. D

    Is this even marijuana?

    I've been growing this in my house for a couple of months now. I'm not even totally sure if its marijuana because it dont even look like some pictures I've seen. Also, Its been growing for about 2 months and aint produced shit. How do I make it bud (if its marijuana)? Also, I am having...