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  1. squish

    any one try this?

    i didn,t have to move it out side but into a different flowering closet which was on a different light cycle the plants ended up getting nearly 24 hrs light that day. there fine and that was 4 weeks ago
  2. squish

    600hps/mh digital light system...check it out take a look at this first
  3. squish

    Some questions before i start

    this is what i did. seeds weed farmer 14 for 20 euro tinfoil clfs 100 w 2 per plant. but if u can get hid miracle grow do not use for first 4 weeks pots spray gun hand held soil i used cactus it ok but i say john innes mixed with perlite but i am only a newbie and dont know that much
  4. squish

    another annoying question from me

    no the dead leaves and small buds indicated to be i had a phosphorus problem due to a acid build up. i was advised to flush. what indicated that there close to harvest
  5. squish

    another annoying question from me

    ya here a few should i flush before or after the transplant
  6. squish

    another annoying question from me

    my soil needs to be flushed. however it is also very damp i havent feed them for 3 days now and it is still very damp. i presume it is a soil problem and they will have to be replanted in better soil maybe with added perlite for drainage. by question is should i flush before transplanting or...
  7. squish

    phosphorus problem

    i only feeding ever 3 days or so now. because the soil is so damp. there too big to replant well the ww are anyway. now don't laugh iam using tomato feed with a npk of 5:5:10. first grow empty pockets
  8. squish

    phosphorus problem

    from help earlier i was, well at least i think i was able to diagnose my plant with a phosphorus deficiency. looking for suggestion to fix my problem there in there 7 week of flowering . the two to the left are ww and the two to the left are snow berry
  9. squish

    feeding into the veins

    ok i know iam answering my own question here but i only just found it on a different site, didn't mean to waste anyone time any way here it is for any one interested . "As time goes on, the amount of salts produced by the breakdown of fertilizers in the soil causes the...
  10. squish

    feeding into the veins

    not sure was hoping u would tell me
  11. squish

    feeding into the veins

    i read some where u can feed into the veins of the plants leaves, is this true? my soil is quite damp and not drying. this method would allow me to give the plant its food and the soil a chance to dry out , can some one tell me how this is done
  12. squish

    my ww pictures

    i had a look at the link i think fig 11 relating to phosphorus is prob the most similar, how can i fix this? will changing my feed from 5:5:10 npk to something like 5:10:10 help. thanks for the link
  13. squish

    my ww pictures

    any idea what might be wrong
  14. squish

    CO2 during flowering

    i also have a question on this subject, iam using clfs which are fixed onto a board which hangs flat above my plants, can i place my co2 yeast/sugar bottles on top of this board since co2 falls down been heavier than air or will it just fall on top of the board.
  15. squish

    soil for Ireland

    can some one recommend me good soil that is available in Ireland. i have been using cactus soil, but iam not happy with it for flowering, it does not seem to be drying out in the big pots were it worked fine in smaller pots during veg.
  16. squish

    First Grow

    when u see the roots grow growing out the bottom holes of the cup. about double to 2/3 bigger should be ok. once they grow out of the new pots or even once they grow out of the pots depending how protective u want to be. ie wait for the second transplant if u want to play it safe. the...
  17. squish

    Pruning question

    if there is one thing i have learned from my first grow is not to read into things too much the staircase pattern prob means start from the bottom and work your way up. the purpose of pruning is at the bottom is that the light only penetrates the top x amount of...
  18. squish

    my white widow problem

    will do, a thanks to both of you for the help
  19. squish

    my white widow problem

    the heat is at 79 0F WITH lights on but i understand i still need ventalation . will try and get some photos up tomorrow to give a better idea of what iam talking about
  20. squish

    my white widow problem

    no fan or ventalation, there in a 2 by 3 foot space, the light are just above them but the over all hight of my space is 6 foot. i have 2 ww and 2 snow berry in there the snow berrys do not take us a lot of space as there are very tall and thin. will a fan do by its self dont have the money for...