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  1. P

    good question please help

    iv got a few babies just days away from harvest and iv been noticing that i dont see as many crystals glimmering in the light as i did about 2 weeks ago could this be because i have been foliar feeding them(water only) or is it ok to foliar feed the plants when the buds are almost done...
  2. P

    best place to order seeds to the Us???

    i live in the us and i want to order some seeds but i have come to notice alot of places wont ship to the us......any suggestions on where i can order my seeds....i plan to grow indoors and im lookin for high thc lvls above 15 with good yields...any help would b nice
  3. P

    how much longer??

    im workin on the pics.....i had to take them outside for a little while and with my nutes im using they blew up in 2 weeks goin from about 3ft to almost six in 3 weeks iv had them in the flowering cycle for about 6 weeks and they top buds look like they will yeild 2-3 oz a piece(im guessing...
  4. P

    how much longer??

    i have three palnts all around 6 ft in my closet they have been budding almost 2 months and the hairs are starting to turn amber.....i have heard this is when i start my flush and my bud should be done in 2-3 weeks does this sound about the way they are lookin beautiful(all...
  5. P

    Re-using soil?????

    i ordered foxfarms organic soil and agroponic soil and iv had my plants in the soil for less than a month but im already getting ready to eliminate the males soon...can i re use the soil from the males or should i just quit being a cheap ass and buy more soil????????/
  6. P

    Plz Help!!

    heres the deal, i have about $350 that i want to spend on seeds but i only want female seeds for problem is that alot of the seeds are sold in 10 or 12 packs and i dont want that many seeds of the same question is where can i find female seeds that come in 5 pcks...
  7. P

    best place to order seeds???

    i plan to order some seeds here in the near future for indoors but im having a little trouble finding good seeds from a website that ships to the us..... any suggestions for websites with good strains and good prices would be greatly appreciated
  8. P

    Trippy Trip Stories

    i got chased by the cops one time on foot while me and a buddy were trippin hard on some good shrooms....scariest moment of my life(keep in mind i live in the us were shrooms are highly illegal)....didnt get caught tho and i dont think i ever ran as fast as i did thatnight..ahah
  9. P

    fluorescent closet grow, Opinions please!

    you could just install a cheap vent fan in the top and save the piece you cut out and put it back in........also keep air movement on your plants as much as possible it helps simulate mother nature
  10. P

    fluorescent closet grow, Opinions please!

    your flourescents lights will be great for starting those clone and for starting the plants but come flowing time the plants light a more red spectrum of light you could invest in a 400 watt hps for flowering and have some nice results for about 120$...
  11. P

    what are my chances????

    no shit about buying seeds for indoors i just wanna know which seeds will get me the high yeilds and good bud
  12. P

    what are my chances????

    yea your right ...either way ill be learning alot of new shit about the plant atleast im getting some knowledge from this experiment but im hoping to get a little smoke out of it to you know...just to ease the nerves a little
  13. P

    best seeds or seedbank????

    i plan to order some seeds in the near future and i live in the US...anyones opinion on the best seeds or best place to order seeds would be really appreciated...i plan on growing indoors and would like to get seeds that will give me bud that i could never dream of
  14. P

    fluorescent closet grow, Opinions please!

    fluorescent s are not all that great for every stage of growth the plant goes through....those lights are best for starting plants and clones
  15. P

    what are my chances????

    well iv got 12 nice plants about a month old growing in jiffy pots......they are growing pretty nice for the little amount of light im giving them(around 250watts for right now)..........i plan to invest in a 400 watt switchable mp hps light, foxfarms soil and agro ponic soil, and advanced...
  16. P

    what are my chances????

    what are my chances on getting good weed from seeds that i got from a bag of some good mid grade weed....are they good enough to invest money on good soil and good nutes for my plants
  17. P


    hell yea thats good to know because i was goin to spend a nice chunk of change on this shit atleast in know im getting what i pay for
  18. P


    ok right now im getting ready to put 12 plants into a foxfarm organic soil question is what would be thebest organic nutrients to use......i was goin to go with adavanced nutrients iguana juice grow and bloom but i wasnt sure ...if ne1 has suggestions help me out im gettin ready to...
  19. P

    best nutrients?????

    ok right now im getting ready to put 12 plants into a foxfarm organic soil question is what would be thebest organic nutrients to use......i was goin to go with adavanced nutrients iguana juice grow and bloom but i wasnt sure ...if ne1 has suggestions help me out im gettin ready to...
  20. P


    ok heres the deal i got like 12 plants that have been in the veg state for about 2-3 weeks. my problem is i dont want to go and get 12 big ass pots and fill them with dirt if its going to get thrown out from the male plants that i get that cant be question is can i sex the plants...