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  1. BudgetGrower87

    Club 600

    thats a great idea. DST
  2. BudgetGrower87

    BudgetGrower's Journal

    Day 58 Temp: 76*F Humidity: 50% everything is looking good. here we go!
  3. BudgetGrower87

    600W aeroponic/DWC medical closet grow

    good lookin pictures Thatguy. and thats a nice cell phone pic dude. looks comparable to my 300 dollar camera ><
  4. BudgetGrower87

    BudgetGrower's Journal

    Thanks for the boost of moral EA. i'll keep an eye out for your new plants
  5. BudgetGrower87

    BudgetGrower's Journal

    Day 57 Temp: 75*f Humidity: 50% Bent/Broke 3 stems today in attempts to bend them down lower. should heal fine, hope it doesn't reduce the yeild on those tops...
  6. BudgetGrower87

    600W aeroponic/DWC medical closet grow

    yeah just 1 600w hps. got 5 ladies. plead to the 5th on the last question
  7. BudgetGrower87

    Club 600

    Yeah about that... i read the Grow Journal before posting thread and i thought that was the thing to do. everyone feel free to post in the actual journal. :mrgreen:
  8. BudgetGrower87

    600W aeroponic/DWC medical closet grow

    your journal is looking great i love the amount of pictures you have. very exciting watching this i have no exp with this type of system so i'll be watching you! the stems kinda look like N def. but N def also brings on yellowing leaves so idk if its just your stems its probably a gene thing...
  9. BudgetGrower87

    Nirvana AK-48 Feminized 600W Grow

    :clap: thanks for sharing WC. things lookin good here, you got this under control for sure! if you get some free time check out my journal in my sig just updated with some pics too.
  10. BudgetGrower87

    Club 600

    doe eye those babies look green and healthy. just updated my journal here is a canopy picture. should be able to keep these ladies under control. fingers got alitlle bit sticky today from all the trichomes forming on the leaves now. (gets me really excited!) journal is in my sig to check out...
  11. BudgetGrower87

    BudgetGrower's Journal

    Day 56 Temp: 82*F Humidity: 50% had to water one today sure is a time consuming activity removing and setting up the bungie cords that are holding the girls down. Should be worth the work in the end. my fingers got alil sticky from today. :weed: here are todays pictures. enjoy
  12. BudgetGrower87

    Club 600

    heads up nice pics. just got done updating my journal for now. good night 600 club. :peace:
  13. BudgetGrower87

    BudgetGrower's Journal

    Day 55 Temp: 79*F Humidity: 50% everything is goin good.
  14. BudgetGrower87

    BudgetGrower's Journal

    Day 54 Temp: 73*F Humidity: 62% used bungie cords to tie down the tall tops to keep heat stress from forming on my buds. gotta keep the ladies cool. :blsmoke:
  15. BudgetGrower87

    Club 600

    well i fixed my heat stress issue with some bungie cords. I tied the tallest nodes down to the 4 poles in the tent. LST should work just fine. glad that problem is over.
  16. BudgetGrower87

    Club 600

    nice to meet ya thatguy858 welcome.
  17. BudgetGrower87

    BudgetGrower's Journal

    nice dude. if you journal let me know i'll follow
  18. BudgetGrower87

    Club 600

    integra and shrubs both of those are lookin great.
  19. BudgetGrower87

    Club 600

    just put a fan into my tent to help cool down the tops. 2 of the taller plants are showing heat stress via yellowing new growth, lose of hairs on the tops. hope that fixes it on a good note my crazy ass bud is looking great i got another that looks just like this one.
  20. BudgetGrower87

    BudgetGrower's Journal

    Day 53 Temp: 72*F Humidity: 60%