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  1. greennewfie

    What's better, synthetics or organics?

    yes thats true but when i add molasses to a brew it starts to bubble for days and sometimes weeks especially with a fresh brew of seaweed, once the bubbling stops i know its ready to use but the longer it soaks the stronger the mix gets.. havent had any real big problems yet hopefully not at...
  2. greennewfie

    What's better, synthetics or organics?

    hey man im on the hike every 2 days and we use strictly all organic.. 1st we started out carrying a shovel and carrying in bagged soil which was Black earth top soil mixed with Composted manure and Peat moss stirred in with the natural brown dirt! 2nd we added seaweed as a mulch on a couple(side...
  3. greennewfie

    First Outdoor Grow Bubba Kush!! Drop in would like some thoughts of how they are look

    no could not get any pics today again started raining so scraped the mission will try very soon though i need some comparison pics!!
  4. greennewfie

    First Outdoor Grow Bubba Kush!! Drop in would like some thoughts of how they are look

    i love to hate it!! lol its not for everyone but i have been at it for 12 winters now and the money is great everything paid flights, room and food, transportation im clearing 6000 a month which is one of the lowest paying jobs out there in oil feild work but add up all the expenses and your...
  5. greennewfie

    First Outdoor Grow Bubba Kush!! Drop in would like some thoughts of how they are look

    gonna give them a good shot of bone meal today and get a few new pics.. the experiment with the super dose's of the bone meal tea worked, the tomato plant stood right straight up and happy looking so we know we can give them a 1/4 strength of 1 dose we gave the tomatoes dont wanna go over board...
  6. greennewfie

    The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)

    thats an amazing video on page 70 man all those girls are huge and healthy..:weed: i like how you lst'd them and now i learned some things from that for next year.. Thanks for your time man was well worth it!!:clap:
  7. greennewfie

    First Outdoor Grow Bubba Kush!! Drop in would like some thoughts of how they are look

    and forgot to mention the tea was mixed strong too lol my friend filled a 600ml bottle half way with bone meal then the other half water shook it up and let it soak then split it up between two plants in 1 gallon containers
  8. greennewfie

    First Outdoor Grow Bubba Kush!! Drop in would like some thoughts of how they are look

    hey fresno yeah its awesome for flowering we just top dressed and just scratched it into the top layer of soil and watered, but also experimenting with the tea as well on the tomatos seeing how they will react to it first.. so far so good!!
  9. greennewfie

    outdoor growing in thailand , need help with nutrient feeding

    well kelp is a form of the many types of seaweed in the ocean here is the kind i use----> its a great source of micro nutrients and hormones which make plants grow.. its also a disease control, stress reliever, pest control, source of...
  10. greennewfie

    First Outdoor Grow Bubba Kush!! Drop in would like some thoughts of how they are look

    added some bone meal and banana kelp tea for starting flowering feed with a touch of blood meal to give the nitrogen and iron a small replenisher boost but other then that no problems so far nice healthy crop, bugs evacuated the area havent seen any around the girls since spraying regularly with...
  11. greennewfie

    outdoor growing in thailand , need help with nutrient feeding

    I agree molasses is awesome!.. i have used more then a tablespoon per 2 litre every watering and never had any problems, the microbes love it and buds were amazing quality taste and high:weed:
  12. greennewfie

    Are there any Organics that don't smell like DEATH???

    use molasses it keeps bad smells down in teas!! kelp meal or liquid kelp(seaweed), banana tea, bone meal, blood meal.. this is my line up what i use!! my soil already has composted cow manure added with black earth top soil and peat moss
  13. greennewfie

    started flowering

    banana peel tea is a good source of potassium and get yourself some bone meal for phosphrous and a good idea would be to get some liquid kelp(seaweed).. you can also make the liquid seaweed yourself if you have access to some seaweed near the ocean or oriental stores
  14. greennewfie

    outdoor growing in thailand , need help with nutrient feeding

    i am using liquid seaweed with bananas and molasses, bone meal and blood meal all organic works great.. PS. i made the liquid seaweed my self but you can buy it in some places
  15. greennewfie

    outdoor growing in thailand , need help with nutrient feeding

    hey man well he was right in a way but the fish needs time to break down into nutriants by microbes (bacteria & fungi) thats in a organic grow you cant use chemical ferts with it that will kill the bacteria.. tomato ferts work i used some last year but you may need some liquid seaweed as well or...
  16. greennewfie

    First Outdoor Grow Bubba Kush!! Drop in would like some thoughts of how they are look

    haha yeah oil feild camps in Alberta and B.C!!
  17. greennewfie

    First Outdoor Grow Bubba Kush!! Drop in would like some thoughts of how they are look

    everythings goin well so far added some bananas to the brew gonna give that a try on the girls along with the seaweed tested on the tomatos and all is good flowering like a champ lol... keep us posted on the new grow im around until winter then im gone in camps workin for awhile til spring, then...
  18. greennewfie

    First Outdoor Grow Bubba Kush!! Drop in would like some thoughts of how they are look

    well they are getting big around 6 feet cause they are as tall as i am except kush #2 is a bush around 5 feet tall now and most of them lower branchs are chewed off by rabbits on k #1 and c #1 but looking really nice though!!:weed:
  19. greennewfie

    First Outdoor Grow Bubba Kush!! Drop in would like some thoughts of how they are look

    keep in mind these pics are almost a month old i will add new ones soon!!:weed: