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  1. Motman

    numerous problems

    howdy did the flush test. ph of water was 7, runoff was 6.8. now the spots on the leaves turned to a golden-brownish-orangy color, about the length of a ricge grain, evenly spread out on the leaf. some edges beginning to rot. took the whole plant out last night, washed the roots off with...
  2. Motman

    .Tomato-Tobacco Mosaic Virus Disease

    hallo hi! could you post some pics? are there any spots etc on the leaves? i have flushed, checked ph etc etc, but still have problems, and now that you've mentioned it, i smoke too and have touched my plant as well. l8r!
  3. Motman

    numerous problems

    hi guys, thanks for replying. i have used Bioneem when i noticed spider mites and leaf miners. they seem to have gone now. i could have over watered a bit as well. i found two bugs one two plants this morning, don't knolw if they are harmful or helpful (attached pics). one is a brown type...
  4. Motman

    numerous problems

    hi all I have several problems with two of my plants. one is a big bud, about 9 weeks old. some leaves are drooping, and have funny white and yellow spots, with a shiny brownish color. the other is a Swazi Gold, with leaves clawing, same age. also has some browning or "rotting" edges, on two...