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  1. W

    going away for few days need a few questions answered

    in theory as long as your circuitry is current and properly bonded then the risk off electrical hazard is next to none, but that is a big if. you wouldn't believe the wiring i see out in the field it would scare anyone who knew what they were looking at
  2. W

    going away for few days need a few questions answered

    its always a risk to take off
  3. W

    Timer problems

    you don't want to have to revert your plants so keep it steady
  4. W

    Timer problems

    i wouldnt sweat it where your still in early veg. if you were to leave it that way then you would stress the plant. get the timer on 18/6 and get them really healthy and they should be fine.
  5. W

    Possible Hermie?!?

    haha exactly its all about the money but it really is getting out of control
  6. W

    CalMag deficiency?

    a good compost tea always makes plants happy as well good luck
  7. W

    CalMag deficiency?

    if you want to keep doing what your doing fine just might add more like 2 tsp of cal magic per gallon and you seem to keep a good eye on your ph so that should work as well. what is your ppm of dissolved solids from the tap before your RO?
  8. W

    CalMag deficiency?

    that is deff early stage cal mag deficiency. not just the spots give it away, but that deep green color combined with the use of the R O filter confirms it as well, even though your using a cal mag supplement. growth will be slowed. honestly cal mag liquid is a good quick fix. use as a...
  9. W

    Possible Hermie?!?

    unfortunately there is way to much of this going on today. unstable genetics are become more and more common. sorry dude but its what every horticulturist has to deal with form time to time better luck next time. i have had friends loose there entire crop due to this be careful
  10. W

    Possible Hermie?!?

    ive seen this many times. chances are if you pick them off you will miss one. with in a week those you will have fertile pollen sacks ready to blow. if you want your other plants to produce thousands seeds keep it.
  11. W

    Is this the early signs of a male plant, or too early to say?

    if the female plant self pollinated then the seed will most likely be a hermaphidite. it may be more female than male but thats how you got that seed in the first place. if the plant was pollinated by a male then it will be 50 50
  12. W

    help! no way to ventilate in closet grow!

    take pins out of door hing hang a piece of panda film over the door frame instead of a door cut a hole for your vent. they make hid lights specially designed for closets. 250 w something like that. floros can veg a mean plant but don't have the penetration for good flowers and a good l e d panel...
  13. W

    Is this the early signs of a male plant, or too early to say?

    as long as the male is in veg it wont be a problem
  14. W

    Why is marijuana a "Gateway Drug"?

    if you had to buy cigarettes from a guy that also was selling crack at the same house cigarettes would be the gate way drug
  15. W

    Funny Florida

    politically Florida would rather give out pain pills like candy than let you smoke out of a bong
  16. W

    Top dressing again?

    dont over think it
  17. W

    Leaves are curling

    those plants are pissed off
  18. W

    Just a couple questions

    dig them up should be fine even if the have split and the tap root is showing
  19. W

    More light or better temps?

    i see people having trouble with the really small tents and heat control. it might be beneficial to run ac or a bigger vent fan. it would be ideal to have at least 40w per square foot for indica 60w for sativa dom plants and try to keep those temps under 80