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  1. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Ok got it so ganja need best drain possible and at same time best moist condition... And coco Hydroton 50/50 mix will do the best subject to best dripping/flooding scheduler?
  2. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Hmmm.. intresting... Ok maby a dumb question... can i mix: coco40, perlite10, vermiculite10, hydroton40... ? And set up a automated feeding ?
  3. Greensea

    Short, Bushy Strain.

    Hahaha found this 5 min ago :
  4. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Heheh good drain is must but this is insane yea :D Must be carefull with this kind of pots. I was watering like evry 3-4 days but i think i need to do it 1 day yes 1 day not, with my setup... Here i have 90%+/- RH in the air but i need to use dehumidifier in my grow room to keep RH around...
  5. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Seems all fine... And think i know where was the problem... It was only combination of underwatering+venti pots and my mistake at doin once to havy nute mixture , this combination make my soil rly dry. Flushing with mild nute mix helped alot, soaked very well the soil... now i need to keep soil...
  6. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    I took a peek today and all seems ok but to soon for any reaction i think, it just past only 12h from flush...
  7. Greensea

    Short, Bushy Strain.

    Royal Dwarf from Royal Queen seeds Height Indoor 40 - 70 cm Height Outdoor 50 - 90 cm
  8. Greensea

    2x300wChinese led + 400w hps/Dwc,soil,LST...

    Thnx man! I started a new post with more pictures of my sick plants... 2 of 8 are bad other plants are super ok. Only the White Widow is looking burned... PS: getting hard post pictures this days... hope soon will...
  9. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Hehehe :D Well its strange yea. I do a 8.5 Ph flush only on 1 plant "on the worst one" but anyway i flushed again like others with 1/4 grow solution and a bit of mineral magic from GHE 20g x 10L @ 7.0ph. I hope the Dolomite lime sprinkled 1week ago and this flush will help a bit... When i...
  10. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Ok got alot of work with all my ladies :D But now they are flushed with 1/4 strenght of mix flora grow and micro Ph 7.0... Hope u guys can see pictures...
  11. Greensea

    can no longer post pics?

    im on PC ,Win 7, Firefox...
  12. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Yes like i said im tottaly shure i overfeed them because i mixed a hydro with soil plan so i overfeed them atleast for 200% :/ iI have not noticed until the next day,and leave it and simply continue on soil task scheduler... I know i do big mistake leave this for 3 weeks allmost 4 but didnt have...
  13. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Hehehe u got me im acting like crazy but thanx u was my camommilla :D Im a bit chilled now so i just overfeed them and need solve this for 1st and see.. if i understand u guys cant see my pict atm.. ill try post new in about 1h... they are in dark after my last flush... im using 30ml/10l of GHE...
  14. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Your gess is right. Im running off 10l of water @ ph 8.5 trought my 9.5l pot and when last drops fall of i put in bucket and collect that drops and when i measure this water is 6.5ph. Bah... hope i reasonably explained...
  15. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Somethink like that yea... :D So i will Spray Cal/Mag and normaly continue my watering... I have 30 day till harves and 5 Beautifull ladies DAY 35 in dwc so let see what will happen... :wall:
  16. Greensea

    Only BASIC uploader?!?!

    Ok thnx for fast response :D
  17. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Can i Spray CAL/MAg on plants??? Because is alrdy locked cos my ph... I wanna help my plants a bit till i will solve ph. They rly need cal/mag... Wondering if spray will help...?
  18. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Nizza... I think i have all of this :D looks like mine... Just different strains different reaction... But yea basiclly i got PH problem i have low ph so my soil is acidic... Cant say how much but if i flush with 7.0Ph water it will drop 6.5Ph... So in my opinion soil is less than 6.5 i worried...
  19. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Tottaly agree! If tap water come lower than 150ppm is still soft water with not alot of clorine...(where i have lived before the water was 300++ppm) We are lucky to with water source... specally for germination is the best i think... is a bit antiseptic just the right amount. I have 100%...