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  1. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Do u think is better to use with PH+ up to 8.5ph maby?? i have GH flora Micro (hard water) <--- i read around this will lower PH for 0,3-0,5 in 24h
  2. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Yea i will try another flush with 1/3 strenght for soil :D solution... let see... I noticed all ppl have some issue on posting images this days ... Thnx guys! Ermm.. yea opened container ... i dont want lights on water but...
  3. Greensea

    Only BASIC uploader?!?!

    Hey Heloo!!! Any 1 know why i can use only basic uploader to post my pictures??? 2 week ago i was able to use a normal uploader And when i post with this i post link not picture and ppl cant see it...
  4. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Wtf Why i cant post picture in normal way?!?! I can use only basic uploader and when i upload pictures it will be only link... Never before... Any idea??
  5. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Hmm... i cant use any other water atm... Tap water where im from is at 130PPM and at 6.6Ph, we have rly cool tap water here. Do u rly think is water my problem...? i do not have any issue in rdwc where water is more important and im using allways same tap water. When i need to water the plants...
  6. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Thnx for reply. I know my mistake and i know im cal/mag locked but need solution... When i flush with water ph7.1 at end will drop water ph 6.4 so soil is to acidic. I know when it happen, my 3rd nute round i wrongprepared solution instead for soil use i do a stoner mistake and mixed hydroponic...
  7. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Guys help plesae.... I think my solution is to rise PH from 6.0 to 6.8 cos atm im cal mag locked it seems... Im noob so i need advice if im on right way ... And any advice how to rise ph in soil?? I have in mind to use a bit of PH + and do last flush with 8.0ph tap water I flushed with 20l tap...
  8. Greensea

    2x300wChinese led + 400w hps/Dwc,soil,LST...

    They shown 1st pistils like on day 16, and they start rally bloom 1-2 week after...
  9. Greensea

    2x300wChinese led + 400w hps/Dwc,soil,LST...

    Thnanx man :D! It seems some plant have problems like nute lock cos i have to low ph 5.8-6.0, now im flushing all plants and try to set ph around 6.8. Photo update soon... Here u can see some pic of my sick plants in same grow same conditions...
  10. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Hello guys! I have a problem with somekind of deff. But im to noob on this so need some expert help! I have 8 plants in 9.5L pots with LightMIX soil. Im using Gh flora 3 part series nute i have 1x 400w hps and 2x 300w led. Using tap water coming at 6.3ph and 175PPm. This is my 1st soil grow, i...
  11. Greensea

    Root bound?

    Fortunately, only one are so bad the rest have only released leaves... I will post this on right place... Keep growing :D
  12. Greensea

    Root bound?

    Hey hey! My ladies are not looking good.. :/ idk what is wrong after dolomite lime (Cal/Mag) treatment nothing is changed... P.S. im from E. Europe somewhere :D
  13. Greensea

    Root bound?

    Oh right u are on soilless setup... missed that :/ so ph 6 is great. Im using 9.5l venti pots (2.51gal) im using the hydrometer to know when to water and im lightmix soil from Plagron. Nutes are GH 3 part flora series just 1/2 strenght! Today i peek my ladies and i think my solution is working...
  14. Greensea

    Root bound?

    I think i have same problem and i think i got solution today! Regarding this table Ph 6 for soil is a bit acidic... so plants cant take any P,Cal,Mg... I hope the solution is in cal/mag rehabilitation so Dolomite lime or any aditive with aprox 50/50 CaCO3 / MgCO3 will help. I bought this...
  15. Greensea

    2x300wChinese led + 400w hps/Dwc,soil,LST...

    Hello All! I wanna show my grow started 23.11.2013. Im on my 2nd grow ever, and on my 1st attemp on automatic strain, also i try some LST and a bit supercrop...1st time try...<--ALL TIPS ARE WELCOME! I have 4x Northen Light Auto, 2xWhite Widow Auto, 2xRoyal Haze Auto and 5xDWC AK-74 Auto ( 4 of...
  16. Greensea

    My 1st grow! 2x 300w LeD /4x RDWC / 1x soil

    Yea same ligts i think...
  17. Greensea

    My 1st grow! 2x 300w LeD /4x RDWC / 1x soil

    Hello guys!! Here is today update. Two ladies are so so beautifull, healthy and strong (critical), other one critical is weak just from start but i think only she need more time than others cos somewhat odd has evolved since the beginning of germination. Royal higness is nice but i can see...
  18. Greensea

    My 1st grow! 2x 300w LeD /4x RDWC / 1x soil

    Little update :D 35th day flowering...
  19. Greensea

    My 1st grow! 2x 300w LeD /4x RDWC / 1x soil

    I went to check the distance, and i measured more like 10cm from top to lamp not 5 like i said before and ladies are from 80cm to 110cm tall. Ladies look much more happy and healthy when leds on!! :D They love it!