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  1. greennewfie

    The Flowering Phase From Start And Updating To Finish!

    lol crap, oh well might get some seeds out of it then i guess
  2. greennewfie

    The Flowering Phase From Start And Updating To Finish!

    took those few sacks off i could find a couple were kinda opened and i could not see any pollen in them but sure was a male flower maybe i found them to late they just fell off when i touched them!!
  3. greennewfie

    The Flowering Phase From Start And Updating To Finish!

    yeah i am researching it now seems a little more difficult on a Hermie then a regular male lol
  4. greennewfie

    test grow

    nice always good to have a day off lol my days off are soon comeing to an end within the next couple months!! whats your humidity and temps at?
  5. greennewfie

    Napa23's 3rd grow

    lol i bet its hard not to haha cant wait to see how much you get out of it dry!! good luck!!
  6. greennewfie

    Napa23's 3rd grow

    Congrats man they look tasty!!!
  7. greennewfie

    pH low...

    anywhere there are fish tank supplys like walmart or something like that may have them thats where i got my ph testing water drops
  8. greennewfie

    pH low...

    never to late to try, i never figured mine out until 5 or 6 weeks later you should be fine
  9. greennewfie

    The Flowering Phase From Start And Updating To Finish!

    thanks guys and yeah 7 im thinking about keeping those male parts to pollinate one of my next girls if i can cause i would love to keep this strain alive somehow!!
  10. greennewfie

    Hermie??? Pics!

    Thanks napa i will keep it in a sealed container and try and pollinate one of my next girls i wanna try and keep this strain partially alive at least!!
  11. greennewfie

    pH low...

    oh yes man when i adds my nutes it makes it really acidic i use ph up i got from the pet fish store to raise it back up!!
  12. greennewfie

    pH low...

    yeah that weird my ph is still low to my runoff today was below 6 and shes still growin like mad, i added a little bit more lime, molasses, ferts full strength for the first time today, phd the water to 6.7ish, acid soil lol thats why my leaves are all blotchy with the rusty looking spots...
  13. greennewfie

    The Flowering Phase From Start And Updating To Finish!

    hahaha thanks man! i am gonna cut there balls off for gettin too close to my girl lol!!!
  14. greennewfie

    pH low...

    haha well i would put them in a zip lock baggy put a towel over them smash them up really well with a hammer or rock, and probably a blender or just smash it and crush it up as much as you can to powder
  15. greennewfie

    Check out my latest update guys ;) 35 Days in Flowering Stage

    i love those pics helwijs looks nice and kinda blue, why are the leaves curling up on them couple pics!!
  16. greennewfie

    Hermie??? Pics!

    Thanks Mr. 420 can you keep them pollen sacks for very long maybe like a month or 2 to pollinate a 100% female!!
  17. greennewfie

    pH low...

    i have heard that too but read on forums that its not good for the soil maybe salts or something cant really remember but not really recommended!!
  18. greennewfie

    Napa23's 3rd grow

    Wow napa they are insane looking very nice!!
  19. greennewfie

    The Flowering Phase From Start And Updating To Finish!

    more experience to add to the growing life!!
  20. greennewfie

    The Flowering Phase From Start And Updating To Finish!

    Thanks Stark, i know its so sad to see but still cant wait to smoke her lol!!