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  1. wheels619

    Supchaka's 1600 watts of LOVE!

    i hire people to trim it. lmao. so i grow whatever size i feel. that trimming shit sucks.
  2. wheels619

    Supchaka's 1600 watts of LOVE!

    he has a good point tho. those branches and leaves are gonna get super heavy with those storms pouring on them. nets might help with them being all bent over and shite from the wind too.
  3. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    do them separately. i wouldnt wanna take the risk of the neem rendering the BT useless.
  4. wheels619

    Supchaka's 1600 watts of LOVE!

    buddy uses it and love it. mendo all the way for him. says its more ph stable than FFOF. ive never used it but i hear good things from everyone that does.
  5. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    hey maybe it was high times snapping a pic of that big ass beast of a plant in the middle of the night and not thieves. lol. that is a big big girl dude. :hump: yum.
  6. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    by going to court you just saved $890 dollars a month. pass go collect $980 dollars. damn dude. you gonna be nigga rich with that big ass plant and you not having to pay her anymore. high five brotha man.
  7. wheels619

    Supchaka's 1600 watts of LOVE!

    i put mine in the sun to evaporate faster.
  8. wheels619

    Supchaka's 1600 watts of LOVE!

    if you want to wait a bit longer till fm comes down this upcoming weekend and i should have some extra i can just give them to him for you? i might have about 5 pineapple express and about 4 or 5 northern lights X skunk #1 extra cuts. let me know otherwise ill probably toss the ones i dont use...
  9. wheels619

    Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC

    no it was still stuck to his forehead still. that would have been super gross. it was like leather in texture.
  10. wheels619

    Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC

    oh yeah. smelled gross to now that i think about it. kinda like sweet and pungent. lol.
  11. wheels619

    Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC

    yeah loud as hell. lmao. he was all teared up. yelling and walking the pain off. tried putting cold water on it but said it made it hurt more.
  12. wheels619

    Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC

    i knew someone that runs bare bulb with a thousand just hanging in the middle of his tent. scares the shit out of me. lol. he leaned in one day high as shit to show me his girls and pressed a good 1.5"x1.5" piece of meaty forehead against it for only a slight second. lmao. he now has a scar on...
  13. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    ive got a northern lights phenom but its crossed with skunk #1 so who knows if it will be like the original.
  14. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    has anyone ever considered going back to old school strains? some of the best strains ive ever grown have been from stuff you can barely find anymore. testing a few old ones now. should be interesting.
  15. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    you could bury plywood with nails driven thru it under the gravel all thruout the yard. :) even if it was a sheet chopped up to like 8 pieces like little land mines. you will know if your neighbors tried at night. lol.
  16. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    yeah the money factor im starting to learn is sometimes worth it in the end with some things. its better than you coming home from work one time with no plants in your yard and no one else to witness anything. maybe even a webcam hooked up to your laptop out the window maybe would be better than...
  17. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    hmm. give me till tomorrow to find a link for it. gonna start the roast for the fam for dinner right now. maybe he was lucky and the officer wasnt a weed dick.
  18. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    post no trespassing signs with firearm warnings on them all over the back yard and front yard. it will deter them also get a camera or two to put up high on poles so they can be a visible deterrent. if you want single wireless cameras that hook up to ur laptop they are about 40 a piece or you...
  19. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    stupid double post.
  20. wheels619

    Supchaka's 1600 watts of LOVE!

    ive gotta go take a shower. lol.