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  1. sonofanarchy

    Seems strange you can't delete your acct...well I'm logging out and never coming back! Peace

    Seems strange you can't delete your acct...well I'm logging out and never coming back! Peace
  2. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    Dude..if you read the whole thread you would have seen that I tryd to close it out by thanking everyone for the info..if members want to continue to read and comment then it is up to them..I'm going to obv respond as that is proper courtesy. Everyone including u have an option to read or...
  3. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    Wow! A simple thread is making u bash ur head into a brick wall? U got issues bro.smoke and chill..then move on to another thread and don't look back..sounds like you need what's left of your brains and wall bashing can't help! Lol
  4. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    And ur right..from what ive heard the its gonna be hard even for us mmar holders...apperently dr.s will send the script directly to a depot that you will have to be previously signed up for. Then you can go and pick up your meds. This way you are stuck with whatever strain they got!! And you...
  5. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why? far as I know and this is 2nd hand info..that existing holders of the grower mmar were granted an extension. Just no more grower mmar's being issued. .and hell ya..have you seen the vote for justin zig zags? ..too funny!
  6. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    I do notice that they are only selling clones to existing members and not new members..soo it looks like I'm good for a lil longer anyway..
  7. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    Not sure they would openly advertise it if they were not allowed by law..but i guess u never know!
  8. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    Here is a screen shot of the centers menu.
  9. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why? in canada the laws are soo strict that the inventory has to be documented very precisely. If he was to be audited by the gov he has to have very accurate records of sales and on hands. Its very clinical. with that being said he was fairly positive of what he gave me and where it came...
  10. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    Lol..prob a bit of both! They are pretty big cfls! They are like mini footballs! 55watt/250watt equiv. And they are only 3 weeks in soo lots of growing time left.
  11. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    Does anyone have experience with these strains that may be able to positively identify one of em? Lol crap shoot I know but the not knowing is killing me!! Lol
  12. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    Soo I sent my pics to the compassion center that I got the clones from and he responed to me...he said that he was positive that what he gave me were clones from same mother as they have to be very diligent with there inventory And ddocumenting. He even went as far as to recheck his records to...
  13. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    Good to know..its hard as a novice. I have soo many quetions but at the same time don't want to wear out my welcome on the forum by wasting peoples time with repetitive ka-ka! Lol thanks to all who have responded Stay glossy my friends
  14. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why? could be right. I will have to email him the photos and see what he says. I would definitely like to know what it is that I'm growing..there were several different options avail but this is the one we kinda thought best fit the bill for my needs and growing knowledge.
  15. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    No I did not personally clone them but the gentelman who did that i did speak too personally told me that they were from the same mother plant! As I see no reason for him to lie to me I take his word for it. This is a medical marijuana compassion center and they seem to have the patients...
  16. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    Hmmm..indeed! I never thought about it being where on the mother the clone was taken from! And ya I can add some full lenght shots..just gotta wait for my light cycle. Here is another full bud pic of the less dense more pistil plant..just have it on hand and its easier to compare to the denser...
  17. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    Come on people....someone must have an answer or at very least an opinion. I don't understand why getting a answer on here has to be like pulling teeth. Lol is it not kool to help out a novice??
  18. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    This is the denser bud plant..also taken last week.
  19. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    This is the plant with greater amount of pistils. Pic taken last week
  20. sonofanarchy

    Same strain but buds look different! why?

    Hey all...soo here is my rookie question of the day. I have 2 plants both clones from same mother plant (la confidential) in the exact same medium in the same grow cabinet both in the 3rd week of flower. However the buds on each plant look totally different. One is dense and hasnt got many...