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  1. sonofanarchy

    pistils turning color late in 2nd week of flower

    Thanks for your response! That's good too hear. I guess i always assumed that they changed later and ya everything else seems to be good. Prob just paranoid. Like I said its my first grow and would hate to lose it now as I feel like I put a lot into it thus far.
  2. sonofanarchy

    pistils turning color late in 2nd week of flower

    Wow...22 views and not one ganja guru can answer my question. Lol damn! Must be the newb factor! Oh well everyone starts somewhere..
  3. sonofanarchy

    pistils turning color late in 2nd week of flower

    Hey all...this is my first grow and I was wondering if it was too early for my pistils to be changing color? The strain is La Confidential and they are almost 3 weeks into flower. Any help would be great! Stay glossy my friends!