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  1. Jamezyc92x

    How long? Pictures...

    Nope, good shout ill get a scope tomorrow
  2. Jamezyc92x

    How long? Pictures...

    Thanks, In that tutorial i'd say my buds are alot more like the 'ready' pics than the 'not ready'
  3. Jamezyc92x

    Update of my first grow!

    Hey, the strain is Critical Mass and it's not bagseed, what makes you think that?
  4. Jamezyc92x

    How long? Pictures...

    No it's not bud rot, theyre a little coloured because of the temp here is dropping now. And i'm in no rush if it'll go another week or 2 without being too late im happy to leave!
  5. Jamezyc92x

    Update of my first grow!

    Hey friends, Just thought i'd give an update here of my first ever grow! I did ask on newbie central how long i've got left because i have no idea on this part :/ But anyway heres my progress into flowering...
  6. Jamezyc92x

    How long? Pictures...

    Better Pictures -
  7. Jamezyc92x

    How long? Pictures...

    Pictures are shocking, Charging camera and i'll take some more i think it's in the wrong mode
  8. Jamezyc92x

    How long? Pictures...

    Hey, i know you all hate that question "how long?" and i see it asked alot and it's very hard to answer i understand but this is my first ever grow and i know i'm getting towards the harvest stage but i don't know how close i am! The pictures are pretty poor looking at them now after uploading...
  9. Jamezyc92x

    What do you think?

    Just curious, when do i actually class these as buds?? lol
  10. Jamezyc92x

    What do you think?

    Haha yeah it's my first grow ever! And thank you for the advice Codster, i'll leave it as long as it takes i just hope i get the timing right and not too late lol
  11. Jamezyc92x

    What do you think?

    The strain is Critical mass, thanks for replies :bigjoint:
  12. Jamezyc92x

    What do you think?

    Hey, Like i said in a previous post this is my first ever grow and it's outdoors, i'm not sure how it's going so i thought i'd upload a few pics of the beginning flowering stage and see what you guys think, pictures aren't great because camera isn't too good and the sun doesn't help so i'll...
  13. Jamezyc92x

    Male Or Female?

    Well i only have two plants and the other is female also, I have no males atall so thats impossible right?
  14. Jamezyc92x

    Male Or Female?

    Thanks alot guys :D Yeahh there is quite a few so far, hoping it all turns out good for a first grow!
  15. Jamezyc92x

    Male Or Female?

    Are you 100% sure? Thanks mate!
  16. Jamezyc92x

    Male Or Female?

    Hello all, it's my first grow and it's an outdoor grow. The plants are about a week into flowering now and i am confused as to weather i have a male or female, the other plant i have is showing no signs right now but this one plant has those "ball" like things that i have read that are males...